NALC Branch 391
Trans-Maine, Merged



Article 1

Name and Object


Section 1

This branch shall be known as Branch 391, Trans-Maine Merged of the National Association of Letter Carriers of the United States of America

(Hereafter referred to as the NALC).


Section 2

The object of the Branch is to unite all employees who are eligible for membership under Article 2, Section 2, of the National Constitution of the NALC into one harmonious body for their mutual benefit and to assist the NALC in its efforts to improve the condition of its entire membership.


Article 2



Section 1

Upon request, the branch secretary shall issue an application for membership to any letter carrier.


Section 2

Any regular branch member, on tendering a written resignation of membership and having paid all dues, shall receive from the Secretary a certificate of good standing.


Section 3

A carrier transferred to this Branch from another will be accepted as a member provided he/she has a certificate of good standing from the former Branch.


Section 4

Excluding associate members, all members in good standing who retire from the Postal Service shall be honored by the presentation of an NALC watch and a scroll of appreciation. When the retiree becomes a verified retired member of the NALC, he/she shall be awarded the sum of $15.00 per year of immediately continuous NALC membership, as of the date of retirement, not to exceed the sum of $250.00.


Article 3



Section la

The regular meetings of the Branch shall be held on the third (3rd) Tuesday of each month, excluding August and December, at 7PM at a place designated by the Executive Council.


Section 1b

The Executive Council may postpone, cancel, and/or reschedule any meeting due to inclement weather or emergency. Reasonable effort shall then be made to notify the membership of the postponement, cancellation or new schedule.


Section 2

Special meetings shall be called by the President upon written request of fifteen (15) members in good standing, representing at least three (3) Branch installations.


Section 3

No business shall be transacted at a special meeting other than that for which the meeting was called.


Section 4

A quorum for a regular meeting shall be five (5) members, and for a special meeting shall be fifteen (15) members.


Section 5

In the absence of the President and Vice President, any member in good standing may be elected to preside by a majority of those present.

Article 4



Section 1

The officers of the Branch shall be: President, Executive Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Sergeant-at-Arms, Health Benefits Officer, Workers Compensation Officer, Director of Retired Members, Director of Education, and three (3) trustees.


Section 2

All officers shall be elected every three (3) years and hold office for three (3) years.


Section 3

With the exception of the Office of President, which is specifically provided for in Article VI, Section 2, of the CGSFB, when an elected office becomes vacant due to death, resignation, disqualification, refusal or neglect of such officers to discharge the duties of the office, the members of the Branch shall elect a successor in a special election to be held within sixty (60) days of the time the office becomes vacant. Branch Secretary to notify members of vacancy by mailed notice forty-five (45) days prior to special election.


Section 4

The duties of the Officers of this Branch shall be those defined in Article VI of the CGSFB. The treasurer shall submit a financial report in July and January of each year, covering the previous six (6) months of Branch financial business.


Section 5

The Executive Council shall consist of the President, Executive Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Sergeant-at-Arms, Director of Retired Members, Health Benefits Officer, Workers Compensation Officer, Director of Education, Newsletter Editor/Branch Scribe and three (3) Trustees. The President shall act as Chairperson when in session. A meeting may be called by a majority of Executive Council members. The duties of the Executive Council will be in compliance with the provisions set forth in the Branch Bylaws.


Section 6

1. The Director of Education shall be responsible for designing and implementing training programs for Branch members. These programs shall include, but not be limited to, steward training, route inspection training, new member orientation, seminars/rap sessions, and any other programs designed by the Executive Council.

2. The Newsletter Editor/Branch Scribe shall prepare an article for The Postal Record, on at least a quarterly basis, under the direction of the Branch President. He/she shall also be responsible for the preparation and editorial content of the Branch Newsletter.


Article 5



Section 1

President: That the President shall receive Fifteen (15) hours pay per month and on receipt of mileage log by the end of the month, will be reimbursed for mileage travel of up to $100.00, excluding the month of June, and will be paid at the end of the month, and will be ineligible for any other Officer’s or Steward's pay.


Section 2

Executive Vice President: That the Executive Vice President shall receive Four (4) hours pay per month, excluding the month of June, and will be paid at the end of the month.


Section 3

Secretary: That the Secretary shall receive four (4) hours pay per month, excluding the month of June, and will be paid at the end of the month.


Section 4

Treasurer: That the Treasurer shall be paid four (4) hours pay per month, excluding the month of June, and will be paid at the end of the month.


Section 5

Health Benefits Officer and Workers Compensation Officer: That the Health Benefits Officer and Workers Compensation Officer receive one and one half (1-1/2) hours pay per month, excluding the month of June, and will be paid at the end of the month.


Section 6

Trustees and the Newsletter Editor/Branch Scribe shall receive five (5) hours of pay per year, to be paid in the month of December upon the completion of their duties.


Section 7

The salaries of the Officers of Branch 391 will be based upon the actual hourly rate for Grade 2, top step, to be paid by the end of each month.


Section 8

Up to two (2) members attending Labor Management meetings shall receive level 6, top step, pay per hour of actual time spent at the meeting, when not receiving pay from the Postal Service.


Section 9

Any salaried officer missing three (3) consecutive Branch meetings shall forfeit his/her salary. Emergency, annual leave, sick leave, Union assignment, inclement weather or Postal work shall excuse an Officer from attending a regular Branch meeting and he/she shall receive credit for attendance.


Section 10

Stewards: Stewards shall be paid two (2) hours pay per month, excluding the month of June, and will be paid at the end of the month.


Section 11

Alternate Stewards shall be paid for three (3) hours per year prorated to the fraction of year served by month and shall be paid in December of each year.


Section 12

The Director of Education shall receive one and one half (1-1/2) hours pay per month, excluding the month of June, and will be paid at the end of the month.


Section 13

The Sergeant-at-Arms shall be paid one-half (1/2) hours pay per month, excluding the month of June, and will be paid at the end of the month.


Article 6



Section 1

The provisions of Article 5, Elections, of the CGSFB shall govern the election of all Branch Officers, all delegates to the NALC Conventions, all delegates to the State Conventions, and all other elected Branch positions, with the exception that the Branch President shall be a Delegate to National and State Conventions by virtue of the office.


Section 2

In accordance with Article 2, Section 1 of the NALC National Constitution, all regular members, except those who have applied for or are acting in a supervisory position, shall be eligible to hold office in the Branch.


Section 3

All regular members in good standing are entitled to one (1) vote for each office or position being filled.


Section 4

Nominations shall be conducted in accordance with the NALC Rules and Regulations Re: Elections.


Section 5

No later than twenty (20) days prior to the regular November meeting, in which the Branch election occurs, the Secretary will mail to each member a stamped envelope containing a ballot. The member shall fill out the ballot properly, place it in a sealed ballot envelope, place that in a mailing envelope, and return it by mail to the Chairperson of the election Committee. The ballot shall be secret and only the outside of the mailing envelope will show the member's name to insure a proper count.


Section 6

Delegates to the National and/or State Conventions will be elected as defined in Article 5, Section 4 of the National Constitution. State Convention Delegate elections shall occur in each year immediately preceding the year in which the State Association Convention occurs.


Section 7

Each year nominations for Steward(s) and Alternate Steward(s) shall be accepted for each office by the Branch from March 1 - March 15. Elections, if necessary, for those offices shall be held during the next full work week following March 15. The term of office shall begin on April 1, and shall be for a period of one (1) year.


Article 7



Section 1

Dues will be governed by the National Dues Structure.


Section 2

Including State and National per capita taxes, dues for retired members are to be fifteen dollars ($15.00) per year.


Section 3

New members will not pay an initiation fee.


Section 4

The rate(s) of dues may be increased only by a majority vote by secret ballot of the members at a Special or Regular meeting, after reasonable notice has been given that this will be on the agenda.


Section 5

Branch members in good standing who have been terminated or suspended shall be kept on the rolls at the Branch's expense until their case has been adjudicated. Additionally, the Branch will pay the dues of any member who is on OWCP while they are in a non-pay status.


Article 8



Section 1

The Branch President shall appoint all committees, as needed, which will act in an advisory capacity on behalf of the membership.


Article 9

Charges and/or Appeals


Section 1

Charges against members will be conducted as directed in Article 10 of the CGSFB.


Section 2

Appeals will be conducted as directed in Article 11 of the CGSFB.


Article 10



Section 1

The Branch will pay mileage at the rate of thirty cents ($.30) per mile for authorized performance of Branch or Union business, for a minimum of twenty (20) miles per day.


Section 2

All funds of the Branch shall be deposited in such bank or savings institution as the members may determine. All Branch checks shall be counter signed by the President and Treasurer or, in their absence, the Vice President or Secretary.


Section 3

Reimbursements to officers and others for telephone bills incurred due to authorized Branch or Union business will be paid upon presentation of the actual bill to the Treasurer at a Regular meeting. The Treasurer may reserve the right to make payments on a quarterly basis.


Section 4

Branch officers and stewards may spend up to one hundred dollars ($100.00) for authorized Branch expenses, no to exceed one (1) event per calendar quarter per officer or steward, for the purpose of attending seminars or other events that provide educational value to the Branch.


Section 5

A full account of all expenses must be made to the Branch by any member within thirty (30) days of the expenditure.


Section 6

The Branch will send the Branch President to the National Convention of the NALC and pay expenses up to the sum of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00).


Section 7

Certain requirements are necessary to become a paid delegate or alternate delegate to the National or State Conventions, as follows:

a.) The member must be a member in good standing;

b.)The member must attend fifteen (15) meetings within the two year period between each National or State Convention (members with less than two (2) years membership may fulfill) the above requirement by attending no less than seventy five percent (75%) of the Branch meetings that occur during their period of membership); the Secretary will keep a record of attendance;

c.) Attendance at Special Meetings will not count toward the member's eligibility. Credit will be allowed if the member can prove that he/she was on-the-clock, annual leave or sick leave at the time of the regular monthly meeting.


Section 8


Section 9

Attendance at all other major union events (such as Health Benefits Seminar, rap sessions, branch officer training, etc.) must be approved at a regular meeting by the membership.


Section 10

The Branch will establish and maintain a Convention Fund for the purpose of saving moneys of the Branch for funding the sending of eligible, elected Branch delegates to the biennial National Conventions. This money is to be deposited into this fund at a rate of not less than five percent (5%) of the monthly branch income from dues withholdings. Additional amounts needed to fund the travel, accommodations and other expenses of Branch delegates to National Conventions may be added to the minimum 5% as determined by the general membership at regular monthly meetings.

Upon determining the amount available to expend for delegate expenses for an upcoming National Convention, the appropriate travel and accommodation arrangements will be made by the Branch President or his/her designee.

Said funds will be disbursed in proportionate shares per delegate for expenses incurred, not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) per delegate.

In order to be eligible for the above moneys, each delegate must attend four (4) out of five (5) general sessions, and at least two (2) workshops.


Section 11

Reimbursements to shop stewards for mileage to attend regular and special meetings shall be based on "air miles", one (1) way, from the meeting site to the community in which the steward serves.

The schedule shall be:

20 to 30 air miles = $9.00 (example: Belfast)
31 to 40 air miles =$12.00
41 to 50 air miles = $15.00 (example:
51 to 60 air miles = $18.00
61 to 70 air miles =$21.00
71 to 80 air miles = $24.00 (example:


Section 12

Except as otherwise stated in these Bylaws, any expenditure in excess of four hundred dollars ($400.00) shall require reasonable notification to the Branch prior to being acted upon.


Section 13

When payment to members for "lost wages" is approved at a regular or special meeting, the hourly rate shall be based upon Level 6, top step.


Section 14

The Branch officers having check signing authority shall be authorized to pay, in a timely manner, all normal operating expenses, (such as; utilities, postage, dues, monthly rentals, insurance premiums, credit card bills, bibles, watches, calendars, hats and manuals).


Section 15

The Executive Council shall be empowered to exercise its discretion between regular meetings in determining when a matter is of such urgency as to necessitate an expenditure of Branch funds and to authorize such funds. Such a determination and authorization by the Executive council shall not be considered a violation of any other section of Article 10, Funds.


Article 11



Section 1

These Bylaws shall not be altered or amended except in the manner provided for in Article 15, By-laws of Branches and State Associations, of the Constitution of the NALC.


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