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The Clone War
The "Previsualization of Episode II" documentary on the DVD features an animatic of the Clone War which shows a few ideas that did not make it into the final sequence. Mainly, Clones riding speederbikes while tossing detonators onto the Spider Walkers, Clones blasting Geonosians out of the sky and the Corporate Alliance Tank Droids which were not used in the movie.

Ben Snow answered a new Ask the Jedi Council question regarding the deleted Tank Droids and Speederbike Clones seen in the animatics on the AOTC DVD...

Question: On the Episode II DVD, there are animatics of other tank droids and clone troopers on speeder bikes. How far did those sequences get. Were there CG models made of them?

Ben Snow's Answer: The shots were never put into production, but we did indeed complete models, including partial texture paintwork, for the speeders and the tank droid before they were cut.

The Corporate Alliance tank droids were resurrected from AOTC's cutting room floor and used in ROTS as part of the droid invasion on Kashyyyk.

-AOTC DVD: Previsualization Documentary.
-AOTC Trading card game.
-Art of Episode II book.

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