While traveling through the desert regions of Utah, Nevada and California in high summer, overcome with thirst and exhaustion, I had the spontaneous idea to install temporary shark fins in the stark landscapes of the desert. Capturing the antagonistic images of sealife and desert on film, I was able to create some fantastic, surrealistic photographs- this project was a lot of fun for me!
" Shark Fins in the Desert", Death Valley (California, USA) |
Traveling by foot over the imaginary equatorial line in the village of Bonjol in Indonesia inspired me to create an image of the equator through the surrounding fields. I used a red rope which contrasted superbly with the bright greens of the landscape to create this image through a rice field, over a river and through a small palm forest. That evening I soaked the rope in petroleum and set it afire- a blazing equatorial line; an event that drew a crowd of villagers and was enjoyed by everyone. |
Equator on Fire , Bonjol (INDONESIA) |
Under my leadership, 6 artists worked together to bring live art to a depressed east German village near Berlin. A pig barn on the site of a former communist farm cooperation (currently bankrupt and not in use) inspired us to collect the relics and create installations of individual and group artworks. Ranging from humorous to bitter social criticism of the society, from sexual to environmental messages, the art found many ways to work with the inspiration of our theme. For this event I composed a "Pig Barn Opus". With news coverage from 7 newspaper reporters and 3 TV-stations hundreds of visitors made the trip out to the exhibition, which became a great success. |
Schweine-aus-Ställung , Bredow (Germany) |
Auszug aus dem
Zeitungsartikel des "Advocat Centralien" in Australien Künstler setzte ein Zeichen! Auf den Weltreisen des Metallkünstlers Mirko Siakkou (MO) sucht er nach Ausdrucksformen, die die kreative Auseinandersetzung und Inspiration mit dem Reiseland widerspiegelt... Wissenswertes "es gefällt mir die Menschen über Dinge zum Nachdenken zu bringen, die als ganz normal angesehen werden"... in Alice Springs überklebte MO vorsichtig zwei Weltstadt-Richtungsschilder mit seinen Eigenen. So wurde aus einem der Richtung Ayers Rock zeigte, "451 km CLIMB OF THE SACRED AYERS ROCK" und einem anderen der auf die in der nähe stehende Kirche zeigte, "30 m CLIMB OF THE ALTAR". Dieses Aktion sollte die Probleme zwischen Tourismus und heiligen Plätzen, Geld und strengen Gesetzen der Australischen Ureinwohner neu sensibilisieren. "Den Ayers Rock zu besteigen wird hier mit dem besteigen des Kirchenaltars gleichgesetzt. |
Ayers Rock , Alice Springs (Australia) |