Short wing pages
Inboard wing  is composed of three
plywood rib and leading edge lath. 

Sis�siipi muodostuu kolmesta vanerikaaresta ja johtoreuna rimasta.
Inboard plywood skin on the jig. Thickness of the plywood is 1.5mm.
Before bending, plywood has been boiled on watter.

Sis�siiven vaneri jigiss�.
Outboard wing main spar and torsion rib on the photo. Between both end of spar ribs are polystyren foam. Spars has been cut by hot wire.

Kuvassa p��salko. Keltaiset kaaret ovat kuumalangalla leikattua polystyreeni�.
Leadind edge lath has been glued to ribs. Size ot lath is 12x12 mm.

Johtoreunaan liimattiin 12x12 mm m�ntyrima.
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