This is a beginning of our KR-project. My dad said that if we can do the propeller we can do the plane as well. And so he did it. We copied
pitch of prop from RF-4 motorglider which have similar characteristics than KR-1B. Because we have bigger engine than it is on RF-4, we have added extra width to airfoil of the prop.
T�st� se meid�n projekti alkoi. Faija sanoi ett� jos potkurin teko onnistuu niin voimme tehd� my�s koneen. No h�n teki sen. Nousu potkuriin kopioitiin pikku Tuuliasta, vain lavan leveytt� lis�ttiin koska meill� on enemm�n tehoa moottorissa
After body of the prob has been clued from 15mm x 15mm birch, the back side of the prob was ready to carve.
Potkuripuu liimattiin 15x15 koivu rimasta.
Ensimm�inen vaihe oli potkurin raaka muodon sahaus ja nousun veist�minen potkurin takapuolelle.
Angle measurement equipment was very important for blade carving. It is necessary to get both blade to same value of pitch.
Kulmamitta on t�rke� apuv�line kun varmistetaan ett� lavat yhtenev�t muodoltaan
Dad is curving the upper surface of the prob.Note jigs of the airfoil.
Faija veist�m�ss� potkurin yl�pintaa. Punaiset jigit ovat profiilin malleja.
Big step here from the photo above. The prob has been finnished and tested on the nose of local experimental motor glider. The prob turned smoothly 2800 rpm  on the ground with vw 1600 engine, not bad at all. The diameter of the prob is 125 cm and pitch is 70 cm.The leading edge of the prob is covered by fiberglass and epoxy.
T�ss� valmis potkuri. Se koek�ytettiin ja todettiin py�riv�n ilman ylim��r�isi� v�rin�it� 2800 r/min vw1600:lla Lerhen nokalla. Potkurin halkaisija on 125 cm ja nousu 70cm. Potkurin johtoreuna on lujitettu ohuella lasikuitukankaalla.
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