Mould making is under process. Plug has been polished with relese wax. First two coats are gelgoat and rest are polyester resin and fiber glass.

Muottien rakennus k�ynniss�. Plugit on vahattu irroitusaineella ja p��lle on levitetty pari kerrosta gelgoatia. Muotit on laminoitu polyesteri hartsilla.
Division plane under process.

Jakotaso tekeill�.
Hours and hours work with mould polishing.

Muottien kiilloitusta.
PVC core after heat forming and ready for lamanating job.

PVC ydinaine valmiiksi muotoiltuna.
All stuff under vacum bag.

Alipaines�kin sis�ll� valmiiksi laminoitu kankaat ja ydinaine.
The Finnish autoclave, SAUNA. It makes process much faster. Temperature was around 60 degree of celcius.

K�yh�n miehen autoklaavi. L�mp�� noin 60 astetta. L�mp�tila nopeuttaa prosessia ja antaa laminaatille hyv�n l�mm�nkeston k�yt�ss�.
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