Pretty and Pearly Baby Sea Ponies
Each of these ponies came with a pearly coating over their entire bodies, including the eyes.  Again there were six issued, and two were ponies released last year only with the pearly coating.  There are also 5 other Pretty & Pearly babies that were released in the UK, which can be seen on the UK page.  In addition to the UK Pearlies, there was one extra released in the US as part of the Party Pack.  She is the last pony listed on this page.

A third body mold was introduced this year, so there were three ponies in mold #2 from last year, with the head turned to the side opposite the tail curl, and three in mold #3, with the head turned upwards and an elongated tail.  There were also two new float molds introduced, an alligator and a frog.  So this year there were two alligators, two frogs, a turtle, and a fish.
Blue pearly body, blue curly hair, blue fin tips, purple eyes, pink and green alligator float.  Mold #2.
White pearly body, dark pink hair, dark pink fin tips, blue eyes, green and pink frog float.  Mold #3.
Sea Shimmer
Green pearly body, blue hair, blue fin tips, green eyes, pink and green turtle float.  Mold #2.
Sun Shower
Yellow pearly body, yellow hair, yellow fin tips, blue eyes, blue and yellow alligator float. Mold #3.
Surf Rider
Pink pearly body, pink curly hair, pink fin tips, blue eyes, blue and purple fish float.  Mold #2.
Water Lily
Pink pearly body, blue/green curly hair, blue/green fin tips, purple eyes, pink/purple and green frog float.  Mold #3.
White pearly body, purple curly hair, teal fin tips, blue eyes, pink and orange turtle float.  Mold #1.  This is the sea pony that came in the Party Pack.
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