Here are the cheats for my Last ninja 2 -> Doom 2 Special Edition v1.0 -------------------- CHEATS: (yep i changed em... how low!) Type them in lowercase. Change music: nexus## (Change the level music normaly=idmus##) Chainsaw: fists (Gives the player the chainsaw normaly=idchoppers) God Mode: koga (Hehehe trusty ol' god mode normaly=iddqd) (This cheat gives you 123% health, why? ninja 123 of course! ;) ) Ammo + Keys: ln123 (Hehehe trusty ol' gunz n ammo cheat normaly=idkfa) Ammo : shop (Just the ammo thanks normaly=idfa) No Clipping: chaos (Walk through walls cheat normaly=idclip) Invinciblity: ninjamagic (Invinciblity normaly=idbeholdv) Beserk: magicb (Beserk Sphere normaly=idbholdb) Invisiblity: magici (Invisibility Sphere normaly=idbeholdi) Radiation Suit: magicr (Radiation Suit normaly=idbholdr) Auto - Map: magica (Gives The Auto-map Normaly=idbholda) Lite Amp Goggles: magicl (Gives 255 Max light normaly=idbholdl) BEHOLD menu : magic (You can get the menu, same as above without the last letter normaly=idbhold-) Level warp: vortex## (Change levels normaly=idclev##) Player Position: idmypos (Gives your exact position in jargon, ex, ang=778470948dofof ect...) Map Cheat: alot (Shows all secrets on map , type it twice it shows all items normaly=iddt,in map screen (tab) ) --------------------