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Dude... Samael isn't black metal, and neither is In Flames...

PASSAGE (1996)

(reviewed by Robert Grazer)

I had such high hopes for this album. I mean, it's an extreme metal album from the same year as Crimson and Within The Ancient Forest - what could be wrong with it? Plus I saw it described as "Symphonic Black Metal," could it be that this is a masterpiece? No way. Sorry to say but this one is nothing special. It might be a little on the symphonic side, but to me it just seems like a regular old black metal album, which is a genre that never really thrilled me (although I'll admit I like In Flames a little bit, and Cradle of Filth's "Hallowed Be Thy Name" cover is absolutely hilarious), and I see very little creativity or songwriting talent on Passage.

The problem (one that I have with a lot of black metal I've been through, although I'll admit that I haven't been through too much) isn't with the individual songs themselves; any single song can be enjoyed when it's the only one your listening to. BUT when you have a eleven-song album that by the time you're a minute into a track sounds pretty much the same as the one that came before, I can't enjoy the album. Now I'll admit the intro to "Jupiterian Vibe" was a change, and "Liquid Soul Dimension" and "A Man In Your Head" had a little bit of a different feel to them, but that was about it. The rest were just synth-heavy, guitar-driven slabs of short forgettable and generic black metal tunes, certainly nothing great, or even worth any of your money.


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