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WHOLE [EP] (1997)

(reviewed by Robert Grazer)

This is certainly a very quiet album. Peaceful and gentle all the way through. Unfortunately a lot of the songs sound too similar, while others are almost completely lacking life. The All Music Guide says that this album is "good music to sleep to, or to just lie down and think." Maybe this is true, but while listening to Whole and writing this short little review, I can't help but wish the album were more entertaining for someone awake or not lying down and thinking. There are albums that can be both, you know. Quiet, peaceful, melodic, but also full of life and variety. Great for sleeping to and typing up reviews to. As I said before, this is just not one of them. In this way it's kind of like The Joshua Tree; it puts you to sleep even when you don't want it to.

That said, Whole is not all that bad. There are six songs on here, and a couple of them are really good. "Nothing" is the first on the album, and it's the most unique and enjoyable song here. The slow counting drumsticks that would for many bands indicate that the song is about to truly rock hard instead move into a simple and slow song, but one that's done well enough for me to like it. "Fix" and "Almost There" are next and are nothing very special, just a pair of tired songs. Following those are "Whole" and "Lullaby," and they too are a little bit too much on the sleepy side as well, but still passable entries. The closing instrumental "Hymn," however, is a fitting closer to an EP like this, still just as quiet as the others, yet it has more feeling and overall more complexity to it that turns the song into easily the second best on the album. As for the whole EP itself, it's best to skip it.


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