From:      Christy Kelly ([email protected]) 
To:        [email protected]
Date:      Friday - July 16, 2004 9:37 AM 
Subject:   Re: Hey Christy 

Pregrancy, lmaaaaaao... Maura was asking me why I call it that, I still say it and don't even think of it... it's goin' good Bri... I'm jjst itchy and wanting it to be BORN, realizing of course that once it IS a whole other thing starts... it's not like the baby is born and that's all there is to it... but the doctor says everything is normal, I'm in great shape "for a woman my age" (SLAP!! lol) and that all the tests etc show everything normal. Three weeks now... I'm nervous but we have everything ready, the suitcase by the door, Maura put together a birth in place kit just in case it comes when I'm here alone or we can't get to the hospital (Storm or whatever) so everything's covered and everything's normal and I'm... nervous and scared.

The best thing is that Marty seems to be coming to grips with it... he's been great through this whole thing... I wondered and worried if he was really ready to be a Dad... he got a real surprise yesterday, really we both did. He said he was getting ready for work and Maura came in and said "Dad did Mom go to the pool or is she still in bed?" And he was like "Dad"? He said it took him off guard and really kind of scared him but then when he thought about it he really liked it. He and Maura get along really well but I know he would never say "you can call me Dad" to her, that was HER idea...I'm glad that she not only feels comfortable enough around him and LIKES him enough to call him Dad but also that she's FINALLY given up on Tom who really was just a sperm donor when you get right down to it. And it feels so good to have her here and have her want to be involved... we've had a great time... watched the olympic swimming trials last night and she's doing a LOT around the house ("Mom, you're PREGNANT. SIT DOWN!")... I might let myself get knocked up again after all this, lmaaaao.

I felt bad that we couldn't get up to the cabin with you and Margo this year but she was saying when I called up there last week that maybe in September we can all do a weekend... we'll see. I'd like to do another Penn State game... once the baby's born it'll be easier...I'll just be on a nutso schedule feeding it but other than that, hey, why not, lol.

Margo told me about you guys' big brouhahah with the cell phone... I'll tell you what I told her: I can understand why you wouldn't want it out there but sweetie take it along, put it in your first aid kit, you don't need to use it unless you NEED to use it, you know? I'm sure you guys worked all this out weeks ago, I need to keep up on my correspondence better.

Marty said he was gonna call you sometime today... let me know if you get anything from him, lmaaaaao.

He wants to know if you heard the Brian Wilson SMILE. He got a bootleg of it live. Well you guys will talk or email or something.

9:30... I'm gonna get offline and pull on something loosefitting and clean, and we're going to go grab some breakfast somewhere... I could go for raspberry pie... did you bake one from those berries Becca picked yesterday??

See ya sweetie... say HI to Becca and to that wench wife of yours, lmaaao... xoxoxoxox love you Christy

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