FROM: "Tony LeDoux" ([email protected])
TO: "Margo Pressley" ([email protected])
DATE:7/4/2004 10:14:55 PM

Sheez, Mom... the Phillies' new park is beautiful...

...but that having been said, the Orioles were BRUTAL today... sloppy, sloppy, sloppy!!! I know they want to have both hairston and roberts in the lineup, but really, couldn't they have taught Hairston to yell YO LA TENGO!!! when he's going after a fly ball???? It was the same thing as that game you me becca and uncle dad went to in April... fly ball in shallow left, Hairston coming in on it, Tejada and Lopez (3b) going OUT for it... and it falls in! Twice it happened. And then Sir Sidney muffed one in the infield that turned into a run... totally frustrating.

I haven't followed the Phillies since I was at Temple but I may just start... that guy Chase Utley they have at second is great.

Rita and I got there at around 11:30 right as the gates opened and she said "We have to get Schmitters, Tony." And let me tell you, I don't know how I never had one of those when I went to school down here, but I had TWO today, lmaaaao. REally really great... like a cheeseteak, but on a kaiser and with salami and sauce... mmmmmmmmmm... the word must be out because during the game the line was 20 deep. An inning and a half I had to wait for it but it was worth it.

Rita and I had a nice talk... as you know we had a little bit of a crest over the winter and then kind of backed off... and I was really scared that once we crossed that line we might not be able to go back to being freinds... I think it kind of freaked us both out, so much so that we can't even spell FRIENDS right, lmaaaaaaaao...

Anyway while we were on the train on our way to the game I said "Rita do you want to go back to Gettysburg and see the fireworks tonight with your folks?" And she said "Tony I feel really relaxed and one reason I do, don't get me wrong, is that I'm not around my folks or your mom or my brother, you know? I love them but one thing that's always been so hard is that sometimes I feel like everybody expects us to follow some script that they've written for us, you know? Do you ever feel that way?" And really I have... and we talked all the way into the city and then during the game too...

Rita said "I love your Mom Tony and I know you love my brother... and I think everybody sees them together and thinks that we should be next you know? But I'm not your Mom and you're not my brother... we're US." And really Mom just talking about all that made me feel close to Rita like ~~ I ~~ want to be close to her, and we had a really great time.

I'm at her place right now... we watched the Ambler fireworks and I was saying "I should tell Mom about the game" and she said "Call her" and I tried... no answer... so I'm emailing you. She's got the Capital 4th of July stuff on the tube... all those stiff beltway yuppies waving their little flags, pretending to be having Fun while they roast on the mall, lmaaaaao.

Remember that time that we went to the 4th of July on the mall with Uncle Dad and you were driving, and you pulled out of that blind parking lot entrance and almost hit that guy in the neck brace??? LMAAAAAAAAOOOO... I was telling Rita about that... how that guy had that metal frame from his shoulders up, with those screws in it, and how when you pulled out, he stepped out at the same time and turned with his whole body and looked at you with that HORRIFIED look on his face. I just remember Brian going "SHeez, he's probably thinking, 'I'm ALMOST HEALED...'" LMAAAAAAAAAAAAAOOOOO...

Rita's asking what I'm laughing about. You had to be there...

Anyway I'm gonna go watch The Fun with Rita but just had to tell you how my day was. I wish I could come up there and be with you... when will you guys be back anyway? I thought you said the 8th...

I love you, and tell Becca her big brother says HI I LOVE YOU BECCS... and tell Uncle Dad I love him too, and Rita says her HIs too...


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