From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Date: 6/29/2004 6:23 AM
Subject: We're here

Sheez, Christy... I'm so relaxed and my mind is so blank that I almost addressed this to myself, lmaaaao.

It's 6:15 am as I start this (6;13) and brian's been out for an hour and a half already, I bet... when it was still dark he slid out of bed, kissed me real nice, and then a few minutes later I heard him splashing I look now I can see him out in the mist about a half mile off shore, just castin' away... He'll be back by 7:00 cause that's when Becca gets up... he won't wanna miss the show.

We got up here faster than we have since we were dating.... we took turns driving and Christy I FLEW... got behind a few trucks and we were going 85 I bet the whole way up through PA... got slowed down a little at Binghampton and through upstate New York but the border was clear and free... we got here at around 2:30 I bet which has gotta be some kind of record.

And I'm so glad we're here... God it's great here... if Mom and Dad ever got rid of this place I don't know what I'd do... so quiet.... last night twilight was just magical... the fireflies blinking in the woods like Christmas lights... the loons calling to each other... and total silence... no sound even from the canal traffic (cause once it gets dark the boats stop coming through). So great to sit and talk to Mom and Dad and be here with brian... I know I always say that but for all the years I was here without him, this makes it all worthwhile. And Becca too of course... she loves it... I'm surprised she's not up already except she's probably tired. She didn't sleep at all in the car yesterday, just a little bit after lunch, around Syracuse.

I hear Mom is up, in the kitchen, getting her coffee, so I'm gonna go. Sorry you won't be coming up but I think it's a good call... more later! xoxoxoxo me

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