Website History

Welcome to the website history section.Here
is the place to be if your bored or just wanna
know what's been going on at my site. The dates
are possibly the only thing accurate at my site. j/k

6-10-00 Wild Arms 2 midis have been added. 6-09-00 I deleted the Internet Explorer Page. I heard people were having problems viewing it anyway.
5-22-00 Ok, I got six new sections. Also, the Illusions of Gaia rom's up.
5-13-00 Allright, the Axas Rift midis now have there own soundtrack name! And please listen to them! Some of them are really good. Also, please take my poll.
5-06-00 Hey everyone. I'm like back. Didn't get shot or anything.My internet connection got screwed so I couldn't use the internet for a week. Imagine, a week without the internet. Anyway, I'll be updating soon so don't reject my site.
4-22-00 Well, my MP3s are all up. Yahhh....
4-21-00 Watched T.V. (this has nothing to do with RPG games).
4-20-00!!!.....Dah....rn it... I finally updated the Internet Explorer Site ten minutes ago and it took me a LONG time but glad that's over with. And I'll have to do so every free day that I have if I get more midis/images/other stuff. Also, Terranigma's up in the romz site.
4-19-00 Added more Romz ^_^
4-18-00 HOW DO THESE PEOPLE KNOW WHERE I LIVE!!!Refer to guestbook
4-17-00 I got some more Romz and will possibly upload/link them tommarow.
4-15-00 I FINALLY found the lunar boat song. A little persistance pays off. Although it's not the one with luna actually singing but it's okay. I'm still looking for the real thing.
4-14-00 Began this thing your reading.
4-13-00 I finally launch my first website with java script!(Internet Explorer users only)
4-13-00 I finally got my FIRST e-mail from my site! It's from a guy named Jayren Tey whose got the best ToD webpage I've seen. And trust me, I've seen alot.
(four hours later)
4-12-00 Found out that Fresh Prince of Bel-Air was just re-runs... For 2 YEARS!!! Some things were never meant to be told.
4-09-00 First sponsor. Very first sponsor... Allclicks...
4-07-00 The first person signed my guestbook out of his own free will... and I didn't have to refer him!!!
4-04-00 Found out writing html is complicated. Very, complicated.
4-03-00 I began to learn how to write html rather than make my pages with "page builder" with it's drag and drop and all.
3-23-00 I... am a very proud man. I have a brand new layout for my homepage and was getting good comments from friends.
3-13-00 I finally have a decent title for my page. It's now officially RPG MIDIS'n'STUFF which was converted from "My Midi Page" (pretty lame huh???)
2-24-00 My very first webpage is officially up and running. Although I was proud, my friends really didn't care.
(two hours later...)
2-24-00 Set up account with geocities. Almost went to Angelfire. (little elf voice)yahhhh!!!(back to normal voice).
2-23-00 Took making a webpage into consideration, possibly a geocities or angelfire.
2-19-00 Got first midi of Axas Rift from Drazier.
2-15-00 Met Drazier Zwei. A REALLY, REALLY good composer.
1-20-00 Introduced to RPG music, otherwise known as midi.

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