Finding Victory Over Lust Through Faith: Putting to Death the Ugly Power of Sin and Bringing to Life the Graces And Beauty of God

By Eric Schumacher

We, as Christians, all deal with a common problem: sin. All Christians have indwelling sin. In fact, 1 John 1:8 tells us "if we say that we have no sin, we are deceiving ourselves, and the truth is no in us." If you come struggling with sin, do not think it a mark that you are unsaved. Remember what was said last night, "The issue is that we resolve to fight, not that we succeed flawlessly." An evidence of your justifying faith is that you have resolved to fight sin.

We must fight sin. If we don't, it will destroy us. We are called to "lay aside every encumbrance, and the sin which so easily entangles us..."(Hebrews 12:1) Notice that this verse says 'encumbrance, and sin...' It makes a distinction between the two. Therefore we shouldn't only ask the question "Is it a sin?" but also "Does it encumber me?" TV, video games, etc. are not sins in themselves, but if they encumber us then we are to lay them aside. My goal is to look at how we do that, specifically in regards to the area of sexual lust. Bear in mind these tools and this strategy is not limited to lust, but applies to any and all sin.

Sexual lust is by far one of the most powerful and binding sins faced. Our first step in battle is to understand our enemy. We must understand where sin's power source is, so that we can sever it at its root. It matters not how large or thick or old a tree is, it will wither, die, and fall if its roots are cut off. The same is true with lust. The power lust has is in its false promise; the false pr

omise of satisfaction. The chief weapon of sin is the lie that it will make our future happier. When some sexual image or desire invades our mind it tries to persuade us we will be more satisfied by pursuing it than by pursuing God. Or it tells us that if we satisfy the desire it will go away and our struggle will go away. It is a lie!

We must fight fire with fire. If lust's chief weapon is its promise to satisfy us more than God, then our chief weapon in battling sin is God's promise that He will make our future happiest. Victory involves seeing the lie of sin and the truth of God.

There are two steps in this process. The first is to put to death lust by the Spirit by bringing to mind scriptural teachings of the ugliness, deceit, and consequences of sin. We should ponder the danger and horrifying ends of lust. Second, we are to bring to life the graces of God. This is done by calling to mind God's promises to satisfy and comparing them to sin and then trusting that God is better.

Let's look closer at our first step then: killing lust. The Apostle Paul says "if by the Spirit you are putting to death the deeds of the body, you will live."(Romans 8:13) John Owen outlines three reasons we must draw on the power of the Holy Spirit in this fight against sin.

The first is that He gives grace. The Holy Spirit kills sin "by causing our hearts to abound in grace and the fruits that are contrary to the fruit of the flesh". By giving us the fruits of the Spirit "He causes us to grow, thrive, flourish, and abound in those graces which are contrary, opposite, and destructive to all the fruits of the flesh, and to the quiet thriving of indwelling sin itself.

The second way the Holy Spirit kills sin is 'by a real physical efficiency [an actual effect] on the root and habit of sin, for the weakening, destroying, and taking it away. He is called, in Isaiah 4:4, a "Spirit of judgment and burning", really consuming and destroying our lusts.' The Holy Spirit removes our heart of stone and His fire burns up the roots of lust.

The third way is that He 'brings the cross of Christ into the heart of a sinner by faith, and gives us communion with Christ in His death, and fellowship in His sufferings.' The Holy Spirit brings us to Christ for forgiveness and freedom by which we will have victory.

This raises a question: If the killing of lust is the work of the Holy Spirit alone, then how is it we are commanded to do it? If only the Spirit of God can do it, shouldn't it be left only to Him? We must understand the Holy Spirit works in us and brings about all our good works, Godly desires, and to preserve our obedience. He does not work against us or without us, but instead He works in us and with us. So then we should strive to make our desires holy and to walk blamelessly in the Spirit. We should depend on the Spirit in our battle, especially His sword. The sword of the Holy Spirit is the Word of God (Ephesians 6:17). The Spirit uses God's word to kill sin and increase faith through hearing the Word of Christ.(Romans 10:17)

So, let us look closer at God's word and see how we can kill sin specifically by bringing to mind how ugly it is. First let's look at Proverbs 5:15-17: "Drink water from your own cistern, and fresh water from your own well. Should your springs be dispersed abroad, streams of water in the street? Let them be yours alone, and not for strangers with you." It is a command to be sexually satisfied in your wife alone. You are to drink fresh water from your own well, from your own wife. Why? Because you wouldn't want your streams of water to 'be dispersed abroad' or to run in the streets. Verse 17 says they are for you alone; your wife is for you and only for you. No man of right character would take any pleasure in knowing his wife has been sexually dispersed abroad to many other men. No man should take any joy in that his wife has sexually 'ran in the streets' with other men, either before marriage or during. [Now here let me briefly address this topic. A great 'epidemic of engagement' seems to be sweeping our campus. One cannot help but assume that in this day and age some are in this very situation now and there are some who will find themselves in it. You have found that the one you are to marry has had sexual relations, perhaps one time or perhaps with many. This will possibly be a cause of great pain and bitterness. Something that was to be yours was given away in sin. You have a legitimate jealousy because the allegiance that was yours as a husband has been shared with another man. However, forgive freely and fight the temptation to be bitter, as you would also fight lust. Remember that Christ has called lust in the heart the same as adultery. There is not a man alive that has not lusted and therefor has not committed adultery in his heart. Or, you yourself may have been involved in impure sexual relations. As a Christian you have been forgiven this and you are called to also forgive freely, as you have been forgiven. Your bitterness and anger finds its roots in the fact that you have been sinned against and justice calls for that sin to be punished. God tells us vengeance is His and He will repay each according to His deeds. He tells us in Proverbs 6 that no one who touches his neighbors wife will go unpunished. We have assurance that this sin, either on the cross or in hell, will have the wrath it is due poured out on it. We should forgive and pray for hearts to forgive and then be gracious and forgiving.] If you would hate it for this to be true of your 'waters', of your wife, then don't let this be true of your wife's waters, you!!! Protect them, preserve them, and keep them for her alone.

Imagine what pain and hurt it brings the young woman who's future husband sits down with her one day and confesses to her his past sexual impurity (and you must! In being sexually impure, you have sinned against your wife in a great, great way and forgiveness must be sought. Don't skirt repentance and confession by saying your wife couldn't handle it or forgive you. Forgiveness is an aspect of love that must be present in marriage. If you don't believe your wife has love that will forgive you this sin then what grounds have you to stand on that she has love to forgive you anything or to remain faithful). Imagine how cheated she feels to learn her husband has shared with another woman what was hers alone. And then someday, years down the road, he finds her weeping. As he probes to find out why, she explains it's because she cannot help but think of some other woman lying in his arms, sharing that with him. She becomes angry and jealous and frustrated with these invading thoughts of her husband's past. Or perhaps someday it will be the husband upset, as he can't seem to put out of his mind the thoughts of this other woman and those nights of sinful passion. He can't help but think of what it might be like to be with her again and then holds his wife in comparison to another. What great pain, heartache, bitterness, anger, frustration, and struggle was caused by those moments of fleeting passion!! There have been wounds dug deep that the couple will have to confess, talk about, pray about, weep over, and find healing in scripture and struggle though. Look forward to these consequences, weigh them, consider them! Are the scars and the pain and the long-lasting results on your marriage worth the passing, fleeting pleasure of sin? I should think any man who would answers 'yes' truly has a wicked heart and cares nothing for his wife nor their marriage.

Men, for the sake of your wives and for the sake of your future families, stay pure! FLEE immorality! FLEE fornication! Consider the damage, the danger, the results, and fear it! Flee it!

Let us look further into this same passage, verses 18-23 read: "Let your fountain be blessed, and rejoice in the wife of your youth. As a loving hind and a graceful doe, let her breasts satisfy you at all times; be exhilarated always with her love. For why should you, my son, be exhilarated with an adulteress, and embrace the bosom of a foreigner? For the ways of a man are before the Lord, and He watches all his paths. His own iniquities will capture the wicked, and he will be held with the cords of his sin. He will die for lack of instruction, and in the greatness of his folly he will go astray." Here we find a command and a warning. First the commands: we are to be blessed by, rejoice in, be satisfied in, and exhilarated by our wife's love always. We are not to embrace another. Don't be led astray by the lusts of the flesh. Satisfaction in our wives will not come from looking at our them through the lens of Playboy magazine. If you look for satisfaction in your wife by holding her to the requirements of Penthouse and Playboy, you will be quickly disappointed and drawn in by the lures of the harlot. We must learn to see our wives and to look at women as Christ did. A quick glimpse of this can be gained through Christ's healing of the crippled woman in Luke 13. He referred to her, when he healed her, as 'a daughter of Abraham as she is'. Christ saw beyond her physical condition and to her soul, He looked through the eyes of Scripture, through heavenly eyes. We too must see through the eyes of God. When you look at your wife you should see an heir to righteousness and glory. Someday she will shine in Christ's righteousness and she is destined in Him for glory. See the beauty in who God has created her as.

See the horror in committing adultery (this does not only apply to marriage, but fooling around with girlfriends and fianc�s is adultery in God's eyes as well). Paul states marriage is God's living drama of the relationship between Himself and the church. See how Christ thinks of the church, see how He loves her, sees her, and serves her and do the same. How we treat our wives is our way of saying, 'This is what Christ is like." A husband's role is to imitate Christ. When a man commits adultery, he calls Christ the same. For a man to commit adultery is no less than to cast Jesus Christ as the lead role in an X-rated movie. You are saying, 'This is Christ'. There is only one difference: X-rated movies are shown in private, your adultery is put on show for the community, the church, and all the world to see when it comes to light. God is not pleased with adultery and sexual unfaithfulness and how He is falsely presented through it.

Surely the effects it will have on marriage should be enough to deter most. However, there are even worse consequences that effect the married and single person. We must stop to see the terrible results that will come from sexual sin. Proverbs 5:22-23 says a man will be caught by his own iniquities, he will be held in the cords of his sin, he will die, and he will go astray. God makes promises to the sinner here; they will not escape. Look further to Proverbs 6:27 which says you can't heap fiery coals upon your lap and not get burned. You can't play around with sexual sin in the least! Proverbs 7 tells the story of a man pursuing sexual sin and it says he goes 'as an ox goes to slaughter' and that it will 'cost him his life'!!! Proverbs 8:36 says that to sin against God is to injure yourself! How ironic considering the power of lust is the promise to please yourself, yet God promises it will only do damage!

Consider what unfought sin will do to your spiritual life. It will kill it (reasons 1-3 adapted from John Owen): 1) The vigor and comfort in our spiritual lives depends on fighting sin. It is a difficult thing to be comfortable in the presence of God while living in an immoral sexual relationship. 2) Sin weakens and darkens the soul and hinders duty. It is impossible to serve the Lord in the many ways commanded in scripture when we walk in a state of defeat, resignation, and guilt. 3) It diverts our attention from God. It would be impossible for one to think on the things of God and meditate on scripture while staring at pornography or lusting after a woman. 4) It quenches prayer. It would be difficult to speak to a holy, righteous, and pure God while masturbating, yet we are called to pray without ceasing.

Consider these warnings! Consider the promise of scripture to those who abide in iniquity. Consider these warnings as you are tempted to lust and to fulfill that desire. When you are tempted to bring up pornography on the Internet, remember Galations 5:21 which tell us those who give themselves up to impurity will be lost. When you are consider becoming involved in, pursuing, or continuing in an impure sexual relationship, consider Colossians 3:6 which states those who surrender their lives to evil desires will succumb to the wrath of God! When you are next tempted to dwell upon lustful thoughts as you lie in bed, or to gaze upon and lust after women on campus, or in church, or in posters on your wall, remember what we are told in Matthew 5:30, that those who forsake the fight against lust will perish. And when you are next tempted to please your flesh through masturbation remember that those who do not pursue holiness will not see the Lord! [Let me for a moment address this issue of masturbation. Statistics state 90% of all men hvae masturbated. Sadly, many in the church have accepted this behavior as not sinful. Flee it! It is a sinful behavior for at least, but not only, three reasons: 1) It is outside of God's design for sex. Sex is to be a giving relationship in love between one man and one woman within the union of marriage. Masturbation is neither of these. 2) Masturbation is addictive. It's lie is that if you do it just once the desire will leave and you will be free from it. But the desire only returns stronger. We are called to live in freedom and our freedom is not an opportunity for the flesh(Gal.5:13). 3) It is fueled by lust. It is a sexual act accompanied by sexual thoughts. We are called to a renewing of the mind and to think on things that are pure and holy and excellent and worthy of praise.]

Far too many professing Christians are being comforted by a view that disconnects sexual sin from spiritual life. Christ tells us in Luke 12:4-5 to fear Him who 'after killing the body has the authority to cast into hell!' "Yes," Christ tells us, "fear Him." We need to seriously consider and heed Christ's warnings, such as in Matthew 18:7-10 where Christ tells us we should gouge out our eye to fight lust! Why? Because if we don't, we'll go to hell. Christ threatens lust with hell. The Apostle Peter tells us in 1 Peter 2:11 that fleshly lusts 'wage war against the soul'. Our eternal destiny is at stake in what we look at with our eyes and what we entertain with our imaginations! This is serious! Last night we saw what an terrifying thing it is to fall into the hands of the living God. We caught a glimpse of how terrible, painful, and endless hell is. Let this cause you to fear sin. Sin is the cause of hell. Christ is saying if we don't fight lust, we won't go to heaven (we will go to hell). 'Not all saints succeed. The issue is that we resolve to fight, not that we succeed flawlessly.' 'Although faith alone is necessary for justification, purity that confirms faith's reality is also necessary for final salvation.' A resolution to fight sin is a necessary evidence of saving faith.

So now, let's look at how we, after having seen the lie of sin, may bring to life the graces of God through scripture. John Piper outlines the process as this: "The role of God's Word is to fee faith's appetite for God. And, in doing this it weans my heart away from the deceptive taste of lust. At first, lust begins to trick me into feeling that I would really miss out on some great satisfaction if I followed the path of purity. But then I take up the sword of the Spirit and begin to fight. I read that it is better to gouge out my eye than to lust. I read that if I think about things that are pure and lovely and excellent, the peace of God will be with me (Philippians 4:8f). I read that setting the mind on the flesh brings death, but setting the mind on the Spirit brings peace and life (Romans 8:6). I read that lust wages war against my soul (1Peter 2:11), and that the pleasures of this life choke out the life of the Spirit (Luke 8:14). But best of all, I read that God withholds no good thing from those who walk uprightly (Psalm 84:11), and that the pure in heart will see God (Matthew 5:8)...Faith is not just a backward-looking belief in the death of Jesus, but a forward-looking belief in the promises of Jesus...Our chief weapon is the truth that says God will make our future happier. And faith is the victory that overcomes the lie, because faith is satisfied with God"(John Piper, Future Grace, pp335-336).

Let's dissect this statement to see how we do this. First we are to wean away our heart from the deceitful taste of wickedness and to have an appetite for God. I love to eat steak. When a nice, big, sizzling, juicy steak has been placed in front of me, there is no way I will be lured away by the offer of left-over SPAM on the bottom-shelf of the refrigerator! And the more and more I eat steak, and the more I am satisfied by it, the less likely I will be to return to SPAM. The same is true with God, the more we feed ourselves on God's word and are satisfied by His promises, the less likely we are to return to the rotting, putrid stench of sin.

We just began to develop a distaste for sin. It involves seeing how sin will make you sick. A few years ago a friend of mine got food-poisoning from ranch-dressing and it was a long time before he would eat it again. When we see how terribly sick sin will make us, when we see it will truly kill us, we will not go back.

Next, we develop a taste for God. This involves getting into His Word. We claim promises of satisfaction and joy and hope and comfort and peace, and eat them and meditate on them, and savor them, and let them nourish us. Our aim in battling lust is not merely to avoid something awful, but to gain something superior.

When we face the temptation to ponder a lustful thought we should cast it from our mind and savor a verse such as Romans 8:6, "the mind set on the Spirit is life and peace."

When we face the temptation to lust after a woman who passes our way we should kill the temptation by bringing to mind a verse such as Philipians 4:8-9, "Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything is worthy of praise, let your mind dwell on these things...and the God of peace shall be with you."

When we are faced with the desire to bring up pornography on the web or glance at an enticing commercial or billboard or advertisement remember the promise of Psalm 37:4, "Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will grant you the desires of your heart."

When the temptation arises to flip through channels on the television late at night to feed your lust in hopes it might satisfy you then recite Psalm 107:9, "For He has satisfied the thirsty soul, and the hungry soul He has filled with what is good."

When the tempter tells you that masturbation will quench your struggles with lust slay him with Matthew 5:6, "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied."

Let your banner of victory and driving force in the fight against lust be Matthew 5:8, "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God." Our most effective and foremost driving force to forsake sin should be that when we do we will see God. We must believe Christ's words here are true. We must believe He is the rewarder and He will satisfy the hungry soul. When we sin we are saying, 'I don't believe you Jesus!' Faith must have the upper hand so that we are satisfied in all Christ is and all that He promises to be. Christ told us, "He who believes in Me shall never thirst"(John 6:35). 'When the thirst for joy and meaning and passion are satisfied by the presence and promises of Christ, the power of sin is broken.'

Don't stuff yourself with sin so you can feast on Christ. Fight the temptation for sex with a positive addiction. Sexual lust denies you the pleasures of holiness and purity and its beauty. The answer to the fight against lust is not to cast aside hunger, but to get hungrier! Learn about Christ, spend time with Christ, love Christ, be addicted to Christ!!!

Let's briefly look at a few ways to do this:

-Avoid tempting situations. Know the enemy's battle plan. Recognize where and when you are tempted and gouge out your eye to avoid those situations and thoughts. Don't go to bad movies, don't watch television shows where the clothing, conversations, and situation will induce lust. Get rid of pictures, posters, the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue, and catalogs that fuel lust. Resolve not to bring up pornography on the web.

-Keep close guard over your spiritual life and your heart. Make it a habit to examine your life for any and every hint of sin or encumbrance because Satan stalks you like a lion, ready to devour. Sin does not want us to recognize it as such. Heed the warning of 1 Corinthians 10:12, "Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall." John Owen points out that it is when the waters seem most still that they are most deep. It is when we think we are safe and free of all temptation that we are in the most danger.
Take to heart the following preventions against sexual sin (adapted from John Piper: Avoiding Sexual Sin: Pitfalls and Protections (2)):

1) Think hard about the Biblical warning against lust. Develop a hatred for the taste of sin. Read James 4:4, "You adulteresses, do you not know that friendship with the world is hostility toward God? Therefor whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God." Think about the supreme joy of Christ compared to the world.

2) Meditate on the Biblical truth that all our acts are acts towards God and not man. When David was rebuked for adultery he was told he had sinned against God. God hates even the slightest sin. Think about God's holiness being the most satisfying treasure in the universe. Cultivate a God centered mindset and relate everything you do to Christ.

3) Have accountability. Submit yourself to someone in whatever place you are to a counsel of Spiritually wise advisors. Have someone or some persons who will ask you straight-forward questions and question you about specific sin.

4) Cultivate a love for the truth; even in it's slightest details. Turn a deaf ear to the desires of men to have their ears tickled with vague moralisms that massage their sin. The biggest scandals in ministry start from small smudgings of the truth. Don't compromise on God's truth, so you won't compromise in sexual sin.

5) Give yourself untiringly to the study, meditation, and memorization of the Scripture. 2 Timothy 2:15-16, "Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, handling accurately the word of truth..." The word will do battle against sin when used properly. Be armed and ready at all times to do battle against sin and temptation with the sword of the Spirit.

6) Labor in prayer and caring to stir your heart up to love all people. Love the people you minister to. The flock follows the shepherd. If you love them then you will stay pure so they will stay pure. Through the prayerful discipline of doing what love commands, more love will be born.

7) Once in marriage, remind yourself repeatedly that your marriage is a living drama of Christ's relationship to the church. Let your thoughts of your wife rise from the truths of Ephesians 5:25-30. Meditate on noble, scriptural views of marriage, because if you don't you'll absorb them from society.

8) View absolutely everything as woven together by it's relation to the value of the glory of God. Do all to the glory of God-every relationship and contact you make. Pay attention to the tiniest of details.

9) Never forget the promise: Through many tribulations we must enter the kingdom of God. Read Romans 8:17-30 and believe that the sufferings of this time are not worthy of being compared to the great glory of God which will be revealed to us.

10) Hedonistically embrace the promise that no one who suffers the loss of any Earthly blessing in the service of Christ will fail to be repaid one-hundred fold now and in eternal life. There is no pleasure that sin offers that we will not be repaid one-hundred fold in heaven and on earth if we choose instead to live for Christ.
John Owen, Temptation and Sin.
Items in 'quotes' taken from: John Piper, Future Grace
Scripture taken from the NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE, c 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971,1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, by The Lockman Foundation.

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