Mana - Guitar and Synthesizer
Birthdate: March 19th
Weight: 49 kg
Height: 173 cm
Bloodtype: O
Mana is the leader of Moi dix Moins, a band he formed only three months after the disbanding of his previous band, Malice Mizer. Malice Mizer, was formed by Mana and guitarist Kozi in August of 1992. Malice Mizer wasn't his first band, however. He was originally in a band called Ves. tearge, then Girl, and also a guest in a band called Manteroe.
Mana is best known to be the one to keep the band in order.  Besides being the guitarist and synthesizer, he was also sometimes the song and music writer for the group. After the band�s vocalist, Gackt, left in 1999, Mana took charge of writing the lyrics and music for most of the songs on their upcoming album, Bara no Seidou. The time period in which they lacked a vocalist, however, didn�t stop the bands production. After their album was released it was quite apparent that it relied heavily upon Mana�s fondness of classical music, rather than vocals. Mana is also the groups choreographer, which is a very important role in Malice Mizer because their stage performances are very dramatized.

Mana will surely be remembered for being the most feminine member of Malice Mizer. He has long been admired for the excellent way in which he brings the beauty residing in each and every person, into manifestation. Mana is well known for his serious expressions and serene silence that make him somewhat difficult to understand, and hard to get to know. As far as his music goes, he has a very unique way of combining his guitar skills with synthesizers to create various different sounds.
Mana and the other members of Malice Mizer have created more than just a collection of singles, albums and videos. Starting with Mana�s idea, which was to have a solid concept that would never imitate foreign artists, they created their own world and state of mind, both on and off stage.
Mana says he doesn't mind the people's attention because of his fashion because he believes it is an important part of his lifestyle. He hated the Japanese custom to concern yourself too much with what other people think. He admits though, that despite his brave ideas, people are still hard on him. He thinks their attitude towards him; however, give him the inspiration to create something unique. Because he can't find interesting things in the real world, he creates them in the world of his music and explores this world to pursue some stimulation. "For humans, it is the heart and soul that matters, and the soul has a place to go back to where gender does not matter,� he says. �Malice Mizer�s stage reflects what I've just said."

Mana's face is made into something uniquely beautiful when he wears the kind of extreme make-up he favors. His lipstick is usually blue, along with both his eye color and eye makeup. The rest of his face is normaly painted a pale white, aside from when it was painted half blue in the Merveilles CD booklet, and left without paint during the Illuminati PV. His hair color is always changing: blond, black, various shades of blue, white, brown, orange, and even bright green. Sometimes his hair is up in bizarre styles, like the blue, spiky, somewhat anime style look shown in the Merveillie CD booklet, the pointy blond hair spikes that extended from infront of his bun in the Illuminanti PV, or the large, frizzy, blue pigtails. Mana is also known for the gothic style curls he often sports on both sides of his head. His costumes aren't usually like some of the modern visual bands with leather, pvc, metal chains and the like (once again, Illuminati is the exception...). His clothes often reflect a more gothic renaissance era or a princess look. For more on clothing style check out the Gallery!

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