
Personal Pronouns

First Person Singular (I)


First Person Plural (we)

This has two forms


This is used when the listener(s) is/are not in the group the speaker is referring to.


This is used when the listener(s) is/are in the group the speaker is referring to.

Second Person Singular (you, thou)


This is used only when the listener is quite familiar to the speaker ( Caution: This is equivalent to Hindi tu ,German du or French tu)


This is used when the listener is familiar to the speaker.

Using name as a pronoun

The most common form is using the name of the listener as a pronoun. It is safe to use this form in most contexts. I advise learners to use this form.

Jóņ evide pókuvaa ?

Where are you going? (The listener is John)

Second Person Plural (you)


Third Person Singular (he, she , it)

avan                 he 

avaļ                  she

aθë                   it/that

aθë oru ňalla aidia aa

That is a good idea

The first two are considered impolite forms. The alternative form is the name of the person referred to.

Third Person Plural (they)

avanmárr         they (males)

avaļëmárr        they(females). This is considered a solecism and is seldom used.  

avarr               they ( males or females or males and females).  

When avarr is followed by a word beginning with a vowel it gets modified to avar 

aθellá            they (plural form of it)

The first two are considered impolite forms. The alternative form is avarr or  the names of the persons referred to.

Singular Plural
First ñán ñaŋŋaļ , ňammaļ
Second ňí , name ňiŋŋaļ
Third avan , avaļ  , aθë avarr , avanmárr , avaļëmárr , aθellám


Personal Pronouns : Cases

   Objective Parlative Dative Locative Possessive  
ñán enne ennódë eniqqë ennil ente
ñaŋŋaļ ñaŋŋaļe ñaŋŋaļódë ñaŋŋaļkë ñaŋŋaļil ñaŋŋaļude
ňí ňinne ňinnódë ňinakë ňinnil ňinte
ňiŋŋaļ ňiŋŋaļe ňiŋŋaļódë ňiŋŋaļkë ňiŋŋaļil ňiŋŋaļude
avan avane avanódë avanë avanil avante
avaļ avaļe avaļódë avaļ avaļil avaļude
aθë aθë aθinódë aθinë aθil aθinte
avarr avare avaródë avarr avaril avarude


Indefinite Pronouns

véronnë                                     another / another one

áreŋgilum  (lit: who but)                  anyone/someone

éθeŋgilum  (lit: which but)            anything

enθeŋgilum (lit: what but)             anything

ellám                                         all

ellarum                                      everyone

árum                                         nobody

oňňum                                       nothing

kurracë                                      some

enθeŋgilum kittiyo ?

Did you get anything ?   (Note that the pronoun 'you' can be omitted)

áreŋgilum vaňňo ?

Did anybody come?

áródeŋgilum codico ?

Did you ask anybody? (Note the use of parlative case. áreŋgilum can be split as árë + eŋgilum. árë - who undergoes case declension)

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