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  • Screenshots:
    Huge environments
    Massive areas!
    Big weapons
    Bam! Bam!
    Using gadgets

    Ratchet and Clank
    Number Of Players:1
    Developer:Insomniac Games

    Full Preview:
    Sometimes the most important ingredient of a platform game is the control system. Without a decent setup in place, the gamer can be left with an unplayable game. Jak and Daxter had superb controls, and this led to a very succesful formula. Ratchet and Clank somehow takes this one step further, leading to an enjoyable flowing experience where you have all you need at your finger tips.

    In a similar way to Jak and Daxter, Ratchet and Clank is set in a huge environment, allowing you to see for miles and get anywhere you like to take part in different bits of your adventure, but it adds a new ingredient, freedom. In this game, there isn`t always a clear objective with no possibility for subquests, but instead a great variety of different ways to tackle every problem. On top of this there are bonus levels, hidden areas and much much more to add to the depth.

    With the ability to fly later in the game via Clank being converted into a gyrocopter the scope of the game increases as you play. New areas are forever opening themselves to you, each containing a new array of puzzles, bad guys and weapons to use. With this kind of variety, the game could reach platform perfection!

    Some exciting features:

    • Game environment levels that have more activity than the intro sequence to Futurama.
    • A colossal 35 weapons to choose from and use against your foe.
    • 18 massive levels each including their own bonus sections and hidden areas.
    • Mini games and bosses all add to the game's depth.
    • Its not all about walking... you can use various vehicles too.
    The number of platformers is beginning to grow on PS2 now, thanks to a fine start by Jak and Daxter from Naughty Dog. If you`re looking for the next step, then Ratchet and Clank could be it, arriving later this year.
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