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.... Copyrights....

All the contents of this electronic publication are copyrighted by Saurabh Garg (hereafter referred as 'webmaster'). The webmaster has either arranged or created all the contents of this electronic publication. No part of this electronic publication can be stored, copied in any manner without prior written consent of the webmaster. If you want to use some of the stuff use in this website, contact webmaster. If you find some part of this website to be used anywhere else and if the copyright laws are being violated, please report us. And if we are infringing with the copyrights of someone else, please report us. The images, text contents, interview articles were collected from various media sources including Newspapers, Television, Internet etc.

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The webmaster of the website doesn't holds any responsibility of the consequences (if and when they occur) that may arise after you use the contents of the website. This website was created purely as an to the great artist Lucky Ali and his millions of fans. This website can be in no way treated as a fact file for information about Lucky Ali. 

Lucky Ali has nothing to do with the website except for the fact that this website is dedicated to him. He and his music has inspired the webmaster to create and dedicate this website to him. He is in no way associated with Lucky Ali.



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