The Meaning Of Love's Day

Valentines Day is named after Saint Valentine, who was beheaded by Emporer Claudius in 270 A.D. He was killed for disobeying the emporers laws. Which laws? The ones that said that married soldiers were useless in battle, so no soldier could be married. But St. Valentine married them in secret. Right before he was executed he sent a final message to his true love that said from your Valentine, and the phrase has been used ever since...though the first real Valentine as we would know it was not sent until 1415 by The Duke Of Orleans to his wife while he was imprisoned in the London Tower,

But let's go back a little further to when Valentines became a holiday. It began in the 5th century. For 800 years before that the Romans celebrated young mens passage into adult hood in mid winter. The young men would pick teenage girls names from a box and the girl they chose would be their sexual partner for the remainder of the year. The Catholic Church always looking for ways to replace the pagan rituals came up with Valentines Day and instead of choosing a partner, both men and women chose the names of a saint from the box and tried to emulate that saint for the remainder of the year.

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