SRR Ra`KalenChapter Eighty-Two: Raith's Trial

All and all Raith was not a happy trooper. He slept poorly in his cell, disliked the boring guard who stayed at constant vigil by him, and was now being ushered down the corridors. The guard wasn't much for conversation, Raith had tried to get a reaction a few times, but had only succeeded in getting an eyebrow rise out of him.

After some walking, the two reached a door. By the distance and the layout of the ship, Raith had guessed that he was on a D`Kazanka class warbird, the interface on the table of the room he was shoved into only confirmed his suspicion. He was brought before a panel of four people: two erie`Riov-a, a Vriha`Erien, and an officer who whore no rank at all.

Raith suspected the non uniformed was part of the Tal`Shiar, and likely the one running the show. Of the others, one erie`Riov was the ship'spolitical officer, the other was probably the XO, the lieutenant was likely just a scribe, though Raith wasn't ruling him out as dangerous just yet.

The erie`Riov stood before the panel and was uncuffed, which was the guard's first mistake. He was then politely offered a seat before a small table, which he declined in favor of standing. Not caring one way or another, the guard went to fold his arms and stood at the door, which was his last mistake.

An erie`Riov stood and produced an ISD. The young officer started reading...

"erie`Riov tr`Raith, former chief science officer RES- Ra`Kholh, 2410-342-88-213-tho-io-9," Raith couldn't help but blink. That was unnecessarily long by his standards. "You are here by charged with: 655 counts of murder, 10 counts of sedition, 4 counts of treason, and attempted act of rebellion..."

"Aren't some of those... a bit redundant?" Raith interjects coolly.

"Au-na dochai ru mi stheirhn! Sejnnha-d?"
<< You no speak unless I ask it, understand? >>

Raith shrugs at the general over use of formalities. The original erie`Riov continues... " These are serious charges and for an officer of your rank could call for extreme punishment - beyond the norm. You know what can happen to your friends and family." It was not a question, but didn't faze Raith in the slightest. The prosecutor obviously was using Raith's military record - not his Tal`Shiar one, though he doubted the officer could have obtained it if he had thought to. In that light he was safe, they had no idea how dangerous he was...

"Au are being sent to ch`Havran now, where au will be disemboweled after your trial. I ask you again: how do au plead?!"

He takes a moment, time slows down to an imperceptibly slow pace, tosses his long violet lock of hair over his shoulder, and stares eyelessly into the officer's soul. Raith's mouth quirk and his reply wafts out, like a breeze, into the windless room.

"Not finished..."

Reality speeds up again and, like inertia, does nasty things to people when it gets going. In a flash the table rockets off its supports. impercievably fast, it is shattered in half and project at the figures along the wall. Continuing the momentum of the arching kick the erie`Riov lands on the guard by the door -snapping his neck in a second and taking his disruptor in another.

The corridors are draped in red, the alert going out before the act. There was no way the emergency was his - so Raith ignored it and continued onto his goal.

A brief slaughter-fest occurs in the transporter room, after witch he spies an approaching vessel over the ships sensor array. He grins - as the silhouette can only be of one class - a Kalen class...

Onto the transporter pad, and a short command path over ride to beam through the ship's shields, and Raith finds himself on deck three.

On close inspection it appears to indeed be a Kalen class, just not his....

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