Aefvadh to the RSR LibraryLanguage: Medical Terms
Ache -- rheis
Analysis -- temnei
Antidote (against artificial poisons) -- ssifefva
Antidote (against natural poisons) -- ssifegho
Arm -- haenhe
A** (derog. for rear-end) -- ahz
Baby -- haedl
Back of Body -- hveid
Back of Hand -- lhlli
Bandage -- oaht
Belly -- nhaeh
Blood -- rhienn
Body -- dhhaol
Bone -- mnih
Boy -- bhudt
Brain -- vahl'kev
Cheek -- faemn
Chin -- tyrh
Choke -- umnei
Corpse -- iymn
Crazy, mad, insane -- nohtho
Cure -- anaerai
Dandruff -- lnarai
Dead -- yy'a
Death -- llaihr
Diarrhea, "the runs" -- llhrei'sian
Disease -- emaifha
Doctor -- Maenek
Extremity, a hand, foot, paw -- raivus
Eye -- hrenna
Fatal -- vaenair
Fever -- thao
Finger -- kuaon
Foot -- dhaeg
Forehead -- durrhan
Gargle -- debaere
Girl -- daeftan
Hair -- darhhan
Hand -- nai
Hangover -- pretaium; Hungover -- pretaiumnh
Head -- nomaes
Heal -- hiafvar
Health -- hifvarh; well-being -- notht
Healthy -- taeller
Heart -- kahlan'soh
Humanoid -- amhait
Hurt, abused -- gustai
Hurt, pain -- aith
Hypnotize -- thermae
Infect -- daengi
Infection -- daiplao
Injured -- hiakhan
Injury -- hiakhifu
Ill, Sick -- llaetus
Illness, Sickness, Disease -- hiakh'mne
Indigestion -- honhos
Infirmary -- taeron
Kidney -- gahn'soh
Knee -- vaelg
Leg -- ehoma
Lifesign -- draeorh
Life support System -- draedet
Lip -- duhhus
Liver -- tahri'soh
Lymph organ -- wahkir
Male, man -- draes
Medicine (a drug) -- ketaen
Medicine (in general) -- hiifven
Medicine (the science of) -- hiifve'afwe
Mouth -- eolh
Muscel -- sraes
Mutilate -- qafhumh
Neck -- bhhaes
Nose -- claehis
Pain -- aehkhifv
Palm of Hand -- lepsain
Poison -- ethaon
Pupil (of eye) -- faerhSickbay -- hifvai'rhe
Rash -- eh'ei
Scanner (specific device) -- salihnir
Skin -- ehrhe
Spine -- tahkil
Stomache -- moht'soh
Throat -- hhaidl
To inflict injury -- hiakha
Tongue -- nnyyrh
Tooth -- ahiu
Toothache -- ahiu'aehkhifv
Toxic -- lhtah
Vein -- euukh
Woman -- nviahr
Wounded -- batlem

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