Aefvadh to the RSR LibraryLanguage: Aliens
Alien(s) in general -- ssouh, ssouhia
Bajoran(s) -- Bah'jorann, Bah'jorann-a
Betazoid(s) -- Bhet'sad, Bhet'sad-a
Cardassian(s) -- Card'hassin, Card'hassin-a
Caitan(s) -- Kah'tan, Kah'tan-a
Captured Fed, Feddie -- lloann'na-hwy, lloann'su'hwy
Denebian -- Denebhan
Derogitory word for "Human" -- Hevam
Derogitory word for "Klingon" -- Klivam
Derogitory word for "Vulcan" -- Yyaio (lit trans. as "dead one")
Fed, Feddie (lit. "one of them") -- lloann'na, lloann'su
Federation Fleet -- lloannen'galae
Federation Neutral Zone, The -- stelai ler'lloann
Ferengi(s) -- Feh'rengi, Feh'rengiin
Klingons (lit. "more of them, from somewhere else") the entire species -- Khell'oann-mhehorael
Klingon(s) -- Kll'inghann, Kll'inghannsu
Klingon Neutral Zone, The -- stelai ler'khelloann
Organian -- Org'hanian
Regulan -- Regul'han, Regul'han-a
Regulus -- Regul'hus
Romulan/Romulans -- Rihan (singular), Rihannsu (plural), Rihannha (the culture/society)
Romulan Republic, The -- Rheilhhu ch'Rihannsu
Trill(s) -- trh'ill, trh'ill-a
UFP (lit. "them, from there") -- lloann'mhramel
Vulcan (a person) -- thaessu, thaessu-a
Vulcan (the planet) --thhaei

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