SRR Morrahe`VnuChapter Ninety-Six: Aemhig Trapped
[SD 240102.28; t`Shibae's quarters...]

The Enarrain awoke with a fright
What with the ship was lerching left and right
t`Shibae, with training possessed
tucked and rolled around like the rest
addled and confounded sickened as if drunk
the Captain, her head, made impact with the bunk

Later, after awaking elsewhere in her chambers, Aemhig grimassed at what was undoubtedly a minor concussion. Could Rhagarokk not get them home, with no reason with combat or tactical action, with out causing her personal injury and social slight?

Cursing her day, the Agent chose to seeze her destiny by the reins, and air her grievances... Only to be thearted by her own chamber door.

"Now this is just vaek'En'En'En---FVADHTTTTTTT'En'En menkHA!!!" she curses loudly to no one in particular. Again, but softer, she curses and tries all options that would come to her.

Kick kick punch *crack*

--the door remained closed.. but now herr 5th knuckle was broken

slam slAM SLAM *crack*

--the door remained closed, but at leastt she had cracked Rhagarokk's promotion report

swoosh ..silence... *CRACK*

--the door bent outward and collapsed innto the hallway. Ejecting the empty clip, and chambering a new one, Aemhig reholsters her side arm, and strides into the dark and unknown...

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