SRR Morrahe`VnuChapter Twenty-Six: The Leih and the Agent
The scene: Rhagarokk's cluttered office, where he has been holed up for a while now

Rhagarokk> ::staring intently at an ISD, mumbling to himself occasionally::

t'Shibae> ::sitting across from the Leah's desk, her own IDS in hand. Waiting patiently to be acknowledged::

Rhagarokk> ::finally looks up a little, and practically jumps back in his chair, a bit startled:: The stories about the Tal'Shiar's ability to appear are unexaggerated...

t'Shibae> Na really ::continues to stare:: I came in ten seuren-a ago and sat down. au seemed preoccupied, so I did na disturb au.

Rhagarokk> ::puts down his ISD, changing the subject quickly:: What I can do for au, Enarrain?

t'Shibae> ::slides her data device onto the table top:: I have come to report in as ninte Chrono cartographer. Since au have no agency officer to fill the post, I am taking it under my control.

Rhagarokk> ::picks it up:: Ie, as I assumed until we can be fully re-staffed... is there anything major to report in Time?

t'Shibae> Ie ::says rather flatly:: we are picking up more than a little temporal shearing in the east. Where ever Ronga received his data from, didn't have to look far. The Empress must be testing the weapon on closed events

Rhagarokk> ::Scowls:: Fvadt... have au determined any ripple effects?

t'Shibae> Nothing major really ::she leans into the chair, quite comfortable after the long wait:: as I said, these appear to be closed tests. Like the agency's own 'stop the egg from falling tests. They shouldn't effect the time line on any major level

Rhagarokk> Yes, when I was but a baby I devised an ingenious way of stopping the egg in my physics class...

Rhagarokk> ::moving on:: Now, here's what I'm afraid of now that it's obvious that the weapon is functioning...

Rhagarokk> I've seen the theoretical design of these types of weapons before and supposedly some in the Federation have encountered a functioning io... my main concern is na with a change in the timeline as the Wildstrike's shielding would allow us to remain unaffected, but that the ship is targeted itself

t'Shibae> Ie...::nods agreement:: This ship is less than adequate in a combat situation

Rhagarokk> ::takes a minor offense:: Well, we're a science vessel, not a front line destroyer...

t'Shibae> ::continues on:: And the Hydra would be of little support... We would need a cruiser, or a Ra`Kalen at least to take down something of this magnitude. I am afraid that the agency is keeping this quiet due to some internal dissatisfaction with the RSR - perhaps a few wish to have the old ways return

Rhagarokk> ::frowns:: Oh, wonderful, politics... speaking of the Hydra, have au been in contact with the officers there?

t'Shibae> Ie. I talked with the Aendah of the vessel. He has complied with our request, as per agency TAG stipulation, and is following along.

Rhagarokk> Right, but have they supplied au with any additional information? I'm used to going into a mission blind but this seems too important to entrust to me and a Tal'Shiar frigate...

t'Shibae> ::nods sliding forward. she slips a small device out and activates it, locking out any listening devices in the room:: may I speak freely erie`Riov?

Rhagarokk> Ie, by all means.

t'Shibae> Hann`yyu ::the captain steeples her fingers on the desk:: This specifically has caught my attention-- from the very beginning. When I was transferred to the Hydra from the Agency academy complex, the Transporter chief had to go through twice the standard screening and clearance protocols. Then, when we approached the system, the crew acted as competent and connected as officers twice their age and stature....

Rhagarokk> ::sits up, taking interest into where this is going::

t'Shibae> I am a trained observer, and all my time tells me that that crew ::referring to the Hydra:: is far more than they appear. I have strong suspicions that the agency is doing something out of our scope. we are but a tool to an ends If we come upon the Empress, I would fully expect the unexpected. ::sits back::

Rhagarokk> Being used is something I'm familiar with... and it would na surprise me if the Agency pulled something... Especially if ninte suspicions are correct and there is a split in the Tal'Shiar ::leaning forward:: There was something defiantly wrong with tr'Ronga

t'Shibae> ::shrugs calmly from her seat:: it would na surprise me if an entire fleet was following us in. It doesn't matter though, by the Agency I live, and by it I shall fall. We should continue on with the mission, as they wish us to, and not bother to even scan for them

Rhagarokk> ::raises an eyebrow:: Excuse me if I do na share ninte faith...

t'Shibae> ::interrupts:: That is acceptable.

Rhagarokk> I am na afraid of dying for the Republic, nor would I be surprised if this was an elaborate trap to get me... but I would prefer to know what I am getting into, and what will be expected of me

t'Shibae> As a general rule, and this is the agency talking through me here, I always assume they expect the most of me. Nothing more, nothing less. I do my duty, to the letter and beyond.

Rhagarokk> No offense, but spare me the ideology... I will always do my best and know it is expected of me at all times. At the same time, the lives of my crew, believe it or not, are important to me. I've lost too many people around me already and would prefer na too have those I am responsible for sacrificed as a pawn in an elaborate game

t'Shibae> Ie then, as there is nothing of importance to discuss ::gets up to leave:: If we survive, we survive erie`Riov. Keep that in mind that I am a consenting pawn, and have long since accepted this. If au can na, and ninte crew can na, then I do na see any reason to be a Rihannsu

Rhagarokk> ::stands up and stretches:: That's part of what I am afraid of... that we may be Rihannsu, but I wonder if those who are manipulating the situation are in fact Rihannsu or io of the "Advanced". ::begins to step around his office door:: Ie, I believe that's all, keep me updated. I think I will check on my crew and get out of this office for a while...

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