SRR Morrahe`VnuChapter One Hundred - Fifty-Seven:
The Other Platoon
[240104.05 Ancient ch`Rihan]

Having already reported to the Leih and informing him of their location, Rylan and the others made their way to the Argine mines controlled by House Gilligama. Thoughts that this clan may have never been wiped out if it weren't for the crew of the Morrhae`Vnu starting this minor skirmish did pass ever so fleetingly though Rylan's head as he walked along with the others. But the history books that he had known, and the book of the ancient clans that he had borrowed from Tacrun, did all say that the Gilligama clan had been pretty much destroyed; so there was no use worrying over minor details such as who started it all in the first place. That was the beautiful thing about Predestined Paradoxes: It just didn't matter. No matter what you did, you were good to go with it.

Then the thoughts of the little matter of T`Rehu being killed by tr`Sorek crept in. And unlike the thoughts of starting a war that would eventually lead to the decimation of an entire clan of Rihannsu, the thoughts of the now dead Ruling Queen to be just wouldn't let go as easily. If the girl D`Tarik had inadvertently saved was the one destined to Rule over the Rihannsu people - albeit for a short period of time - then why had tr`Sorek been able to kill her? That, surely, had not been part of the Predestination. In which case... perhaps the Gilligama was never supposed to have been wiped out, as the crew of the Morrhae`Vnu was not supposed to be here causing all this chaos...which would mean, that none of this was a Predestination Paradox.

All these thoughts that kept his head going around in useless circles was enough to give Rylan a headache. And not just any kind of headache either, but one of those 'been-out-all-night- partying-with-the-guys' type of head-pounder...and he hadn't even been drinking!

Knowing that Emni and her medkit was near the end of the line of marching troopers, Ry shook his head and with a slight sigh reached into a pocket of his uniform and took out a small, portable hypospray. If his Detox could work on regular hangovers, it would be sure to work on this minor inconvenience without bothering the Medical Assistant unnecessarily. Injecting himself with his own special-mix Detox, Ry noticed the questioning look of tr`Lahri who walked quietly beside him.

Shrugging as he put the hypo away once more Rylan offered by way of explanation, "Headache..." then smiled at the Erien as the dull ache melted away, and the surrounding countryside they traversed through took on bright, clear tones that seemed to jump out from all directions, the Detox giving everything a slightly more than 3-D look to it. And best yet, thoughts of T`Rehu and Predestinations and all that nonsense that had kept his head spinning during the march so far, finally went away.

"The battle won't be all that difficult." tr`Lahri offered, his own voice seeming to turn the statement into a question. "I mean, how good can they be? They're primitive."

"Oh ie, it should be simple enough." Ry nodded, still walking and now enjoying the beauty of the countryside around him, "Especially with the shields we're wearing. The ancients didn't have those. They'll probably think were super-people after this!" he grinned slightly, "Go to hit us with a kaleh and it bounces harmlessly off us..." then adds just a touch disappointed, "Hardly sporting of us, really."

"Ie," the Erien smiled in return, nodding his head in agreement, "I suppose na. Maybe some of them will join us? Perhaps live with the other villagers in their encampment after this."

"Elements, let's hope na." Rylan mumbled, but smiled nonetheless, "I believe these people are supposed to die. We're only supposed to help them on their way to that recruit more natives to our cause."

[The Battle itself....]

Decapitating one of his attackers with a swing of his kaleh, Rylan stabbed another through the throat with his kalen as the enemy had raised their own sword to bring down to bear on him. Turning around as the two opponents fell, Ry's kaleh met another blade with a loud KLANG, before he dropped and swung a leg at the back of his new attacker's knees, sweeping the legs out from under his assailant and sending the other boy to his back. The tip of Rylan's kaleh sank into the left side of the prone enemy, and he gave a little twist of the hilt before ripping the blade free from the other's heart before turning around to meet another attacker that approached with raised blade.

Standing quietly as the other swung the kaleh at him, Rylan grinned slightly at the surprised expression on the native's face when the blade bounced harmlessly off the personal shield Rylan wore. Not giving the native much more time to ponder this wonder, Ry impaled the Rihan on his own kaleh, then pushed the body off the blade and headed off to another target, raising his kaleh slightly in salute as he spotted Gehan tr`Tahn taking out another enemy soldier, pleased that the younger boy was holding his own in battle.

Swoosh here...clang there... blood splattering everywhere... Ry and the others in the small platoon of crew members and villagers quickly dispatched those that worked and guarded the coveted mines. They didn't bother with keeping prisoners for questioning, letting the other platoon handle that if that was their desire. Their objective was to dispatch with the natives that held the mines, and claim the mineral treasure-troves for themselves; and that was soon enough accomplished.

Seeing a small group of the enemy run off over the hills, abandoning their number in their attempt to reach safety. Ry turned and nodded to a few of his soldiers. The four he had motioned towards lined up and fell to a knee as they took quick aim with the more primitive of projectile weapons that they were allowed to use. As if one person, the four bowmen pulled their triggers, sending forth a rapid-fire assault of arrows as big around as spears. Soon after, the ones that were trying to escape the now quiet battlefield fell as well, joining their brethren in the other-life.

Taking just a moment to look around at the fallen slain around him, Ry smirked ever so slightly, and gave the order for the company to move out and catch up to the Leih's own. Shortly afterward, the small platoon of crew members and friendly-villagers crested the hill and stood silent watch over the Leih's company below as they conducted their quest for information.

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