Alternativni mediji

Svjetska periodika:
-Alternative Press Center
-Independent Press Association
- Monthly Review
- New Left Review
- The Progressive
- New Internationalist
- International Socialist Review
- Znet
-Socialist Standard
- International journal of socialist renewal
- Red Pepper
- Green Left Weekly
- Left Business Observer
- Le monde diplomatique
- Eurozine

Internet mediji:
- Independent Media Center

- Infoshop -Your Guide to Online Anarchy
- World Socialist Web Site
- The World Revolution
- Graswurzel Revolution
- Dr. Susan Block's Journal of Sex, Art, Politics & Culture

Jugoistočna Europa:
- Feral Tribune
- Independent Media Center Hrvatska
- Indymedia Belgrade
- Kontrapunkt

- Pobunjeni um WEB Magazine

- Republika
- Zarez
- ZaMirNet zine

Hrvatski mediji
- Hrvatsko novinarsko društvo
- Hrvatska izvještajna novinska agencija (HINA)
- Hrvatska radio televizija (HRT)
- Nacional
- Narodna novine
- Radio 101
- Slobodna Dalmacija
- Večernji - list
- Vjesnik
- Novi list

Nevladine organizacije - Hrvatska


-Anarhofeministicka akcija

- Dosta je ratova!
- Ne radarima, Ne NATU, Ne svakome ratu
- ZaMirNET
- Zagrebački anarhistički pokret
- Zadarski anarhistički front
- Riječka anarhistička inicijativa
- Antifašistička akcija- antifašistička, antikapitalistička organizacija
- UPS!Umaški pokret za slobodu
- Hrana, a ne oružje
- Autonomna tvornica kulture (ATTACK)
- B.a.b.e.
- Centar za ženske studije
- Ženska infoteka
- Autonomna ženska kuća Zagreb
- Građani organizirano nadgledaju glasanje (GONG)
- Hrvatski helsinški odbor (HHO)
- Zelena akcija (ZA)
- Centar za mir, ljudska prava i nenasilje -Osijek-
- Grupa za prigovor savjesti
- Centar za Mirovne studije
- Prijatelji životinja

Nevladine organizacije - svijet
- Svjetski socijalni forum
- Amnesty International
- Anti-Slavery International
- Globalise Resistance
- Human Rights Watch
- Earth First!
- Greenpeace International
- Food Not Bombs
- Industrial Workers of the World
- Anarchist Black Cross
- Critical Resistance - seeks to build an international movement to end the Prison Industrial Complex by challenging the belief that caging and controlling people makes us safe
- Anarchy Serbia
- Slovenija ne NATO

Ljevičarske stranke
- Socijalistička radnička partija Hrvatske

- World Socialist Movement
- Socialist Party of Great Britain
- Democratic Socialists of America
- Socialist Party USA
- Leftist Parties of the World

Razvoj demokracije
- PARECON - The Participatory Economics Project
- Direct Democracy Manifesto
- Direct Democracy League
- Innovations in democracy
- People-Centered Development Forum
- CIVICUS - World Alliance for Citizen Participation

- Comitee for Direct Democracy

- Movement for Direct Democracy
- Triple Law for Direct Democracy
- People's Libertarian Index
- Brian Martin: Democracy without Elections

- Teledemocracy Action News
- The Future of Teledemocracy

- What is Democratic Socialism?

Obrazovanje i prava mladih
- AnarchyYouth
- What are Modern Schools
- What methods of child rearing do anarchists advocate
- Kid lib page
- Free Schools
- The Education Revolution
- Peter McLaren - među ostalim razvija revolucionarnu pedagogiju
- O Ivanu Iliću - nedavno preminuli Ivan Ilić, svjetski poznati mislilac, porijeklom je s Hvara
- Paulo Freire
- Paulo Freire and informal Education
- Instituto Paulo Freire
- John Dewey and informal education

- Pedagogy & The Theatre of the Oppressed

Mir, nenasilna obrana i otpor
- Website Briana Martina
- Publikacije Briana Martina
- Publikacije Briana Martina o miru i ratu
- Brian Martin: Revolucionarna društvena obrana
- Brian Martin: Killing and revolution
- Brian Martin: Nonviolence versus Capitalism
- Geoffrey Ostergaard: RESISTING THE NATION STATE; the pacifist and anarchist tradition
- Nonviolent Struggle and Social Defence (online knjiga)
- Gandhi's Nonviolent Revolution
- Ahimsazine: Voice of Anarchopacifism
- - građanski otpor u Čehoslovačkoj, nenasilna revolucija na Filipinima, društvena obrana…
-Mahatma Gandhi One Spot Complete Information Website
- This Is War
- War Resisters' International
- Peace Pledge Union
- Learnpeace: a Peace Pledge Union project -
- Resource Center for Nonviolence
- Albert Einstein Institution Pulications- veličanstvena knjižara
-Nonviolence Works Bookstore - briljantno
-War Resisters' League Online Bookstore
- Centar za mirovne studije (CMS) je neprofitna i nevladina organizacija koja promiče kulturu nenasilja i društvenu promjenu povezujući obrazovanje, istraživanje i aktivizam.


- Iskorak - ''ljubav kojoj se ne smije izreći ime''
- Origins of Peace and Violence: Deprivation of Physical Affection as a Main Cause of Depression, Aggression and Drug Abuse
- Free Love and the Labour Movement
- Socialism & Sexuality
- Labour Organizations and Sexuality
- Polyamory: More Love for All
- Communal ethics of eroticism, free love and the extended family
- Sexual Revolution
- Punkerslut
- Alexandra Kollontai: Sexual Relations and the Class Struggle
- Ema Goldman: ANARHIZAM I FEMINIZAM; eseji
- Coalition for Positive Sexuality
- Dr Susan Block Institute

-Harbinger - A Journal of Social Ecology
-Left Green Perspectives
-EcoSocialist Review
-Left-Green Guide to the Net
-Earth First!
-New Renaissance
-Institute for Social Ecology
-The E.F. Schumacher Society
-The E.F. Schumacher College
- Hazel Henderson Homepage
-New Economics
-Center for Alternative Technology
-Green Books

Zaštita životinja:
- Prijatelji životinja
- Veganoutreach
- Vegsource
- Veganarchy
- Beasts of Burden: Capitalism - Animals - Communism
- All Creatures
- Animal Liberation Front
- Farm Sanctuary
- Factory Farming Photo Gallery
- Masskilling

- Marxist Internet Archive - marksistička enciklopedija, autori, povijest…
- Left-Wing Lingo, Ideologies and History - sjajna pomoć u zbrci pojmova
- In Defence of Marxism
- Rethinking Marxism
- Youth for International Socialism
- The Movement for a Socialist Future
- Libertarian marxism
- The Libertarian Communist Home Page
- Council Communism

- Ultra Left Council Communism
- Collective Action Notes
- Subversion
- International Library of the Communist Left
- Kurasje - Against the Current - najveća arhiva lijevih komunista za pohlepne među nama
- Fundamental Principles of Communist Production and Distribution
- Bureau of Public Secrets - situacionistička arhiva
- An Anarchist Faq
- Anarchy Archives
- Spunk Library
- Institute for Anarchist Studies
- Movement for Anarchy
- Prominent Anarchists and Left Libertarians

- Leftist Links Archive
- Jay's Leftist and 'Progressive' Internet Resources Directory
- Hippyland
- Anarchist Communitarian Network
- Lovearth
- - napredni, slobodoumni eseji
- William Blum
- John Pilger
- Noam Chomsky Archive
- Eugene Victor Debs Foundation -
''I have been accused of obstructing the war. I admit it. I abhor war. I would oppose war if I stood alone...years ago I recognised my kinship with all living beings, and I made up my mind that I was not one bit better than the meanest on earth. I said then, and I say now, that while there is a lower class, I am in it, while there is a criminal element, I am of it, and while there is a soul in prison, I am not free..."( speaking before the Federal Court in Cleveland, Ohio, 14th September 1918.-he was sentenced to 10 years imprisonment for a pacifist speech)
- Punishment versus Restitution
- The International Erich Fromm Society
- The Erich Fromm Room
- Critical Psychology
- 4 Reasons for Humanistic Psychologists to Advocate Anarchism
- Food First
- Tekstovi slavnih
- Advanced Questions for Advanced Minds

- Zapatistas in Cyberspace

- The Zapatistas and ''the Electronic Fabric of Struggle''

- Glazbena iskra
- Poetry in Revolt - Anarchist and Radical Writings
- Što čitaš?
- Political Compass - politički upitnik - jesam li slobodarski ljevičar ili sam autoritarac, a možda još i desničar?


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