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The Kaiba Family Secrets:

     Ok, this page has the rumours of what I've fondly nick-named "Noah's arc". ^_^ (readers die at the cheesiness of the pun).

     So, most of you know that Seto and Mokuba were adopted, right? 'Kay here's what else I've heard and yes, all of this is second-hand information, but it'll be airing some time during the battle-ship arc, so we'll get confirmation on this in a coupla months, probably, depending on how lazy the TV station and dubbers are. ^_^0

New: Heck, the whole thing's been tweaked here and there, mostly due to the 10k e-mail I got from Fran. ^_^ Read the whole thing through again if you've got the patience for it, but most of the changes were made to the last half of this thing. Ugh, this spoiler is a disorganized mess.

Gozaburo Kaiba

''What's on my schedule today? Meeting. Meeting. Meeting. Conference. Raid the orphanage. Meeting...''      Meet Gozaburo Kaiba, grade-A arse... but of course, that's just my opinion. I suppose he's a very wealthy businessman, but he's really lacking in the sympathy department. Mistakenly got in line for "essence of callousness" when they were handing out "human kindness" or something. -_-

     I think it was mentioned by Mokuba in the dub at one point that lots of people wanted to adopt Seto for his genius, but Seto would never go without Mokuba, so they were stuck in the orphanage for a while. According to Fran, Seto knew that Gozaburo was coming and studied the man's chess methods. When Gozaburo arrived, Seto challenged him to a game. If Seto won, Gozaburo would have to adopt both Seto and Mokuba. 
     Well, obviously, Seto won. The discrepancy is that some people say that Gozaburo actually let Seto win the game because Seto bore a certain resemblance to his own deceased son, Noa Kaiba. **shrugs** It's an interesting rumour, in any case. Anyway, Gozaburo adopted Seto and Mokuba, as promised, and trained Seto harshly to be a cold, callous businessman like himself. The rumour goes that one day, Gozaburo threatened to do to Mokuba what he did to Seto (now this has been taken by fanfic authors to mean anything from his "cold/callous" lessons to physical abuse to... umm... otherwise). Seto, in a fit of protectiveness, shoves Gozaburo out of a window and kills him.         And you think *your* parents are slave drivers?
              Manga images curtesy of Kokoro no Naka

     The other popular version is that Gozaburo has a heart attack after Seto threatens to push him out the window. According to Midnightdreamh and Cahaya, this happens in the anime.

... ... Okay, tea anyone?
Manga images curtesy of Kokoro no Naka
     In the manga, however, it seems like Seto challenged Gozaburo for ownership of Kaiba Corp. one day, with all the executives backing him. Gozaburo just kinda smirks and concedes defeat to the stronger businessman, i.e. Seto, and jumps out the window of the office, killing himself. Something about survival of the fittest?

     ...The fanatical idiot.

Noa Kaiba

Noa, or Noah, was apparently killed in a car accident when he was 13-ish. 

Fear my creepy orange eyes. 
        (Series 1 Seto Kaiba)
     As you can see, Noa and first-series Seto look a lot alike. They've both got weird green-ish hair and a white suit, trimmed with gold....

     Thank goodness his hair's brown in the second series. Seto looks freaky with lime-coloured hair.
  Don't bug me. I'm plotting graphic revenge on whoever decided I had to wear kiddy shorts instead of pants.
           (Season 3 Noa Kaiba)
Son, this wasn't what I meant when I said you were TV-worthy!       After Noa died, his father implanted his consciousness in a supercomputer. I suppose Gozaburo intended to resurrect his son by transferring Noa's mind into a new body but supposedly that idea didn't hit him until later **narrows eyes**. Noa first tells Seto that he was adopted to be Noa's rival. Later on Noa changes his mind and says Seto was adopted to be his new host. 

     Wacky thought: If that mind-transfer thing ever happened, there could be an interesting possibility for a yami/hikari type situation between Seto and Noa... Y'know, "thanks to the power of technology, two minds inhabit this body" kinda thing, to misquote Yami. O_o Oh the absolute, utter chaos of it all... Assuming, of course, that Seto's mind doesn't get deleted or anything in the process. x_x **end wacky train of thought**
     Then the computerized version of Gozaburo himself pops up and tells Seto he was supposed to be the mindless "receptacle" for the entire Kaiba Corp. system. -_- Looks like Gozaburo's body was hooked up and preserved in the computer system too? I'm not sure. :P Blah. I can't wait to see how the dubbers handle this mess.       Maybe if I ignore him, he'll go away...

     Now, assuming the rumour about Gozaburo losing to Seto on purpose is true, this whole mind-switching thing was probably the ulterior motive for it all, but that rumour's contradictory with the fact that Gozaburo looked distinctly ticked when he lost... unless he's just a reeaally good actor... **shurgs** But anyway, Seto already looked like Noa... a few **coff** minor adjustments **coff** and he would be Noa, right? **blinks** 

Evil shorts. (Anyone else notice that Noa's head is about 2 sizes bigger than his dad's?)        Lemme take this moment to diverge again and speculate the whole green-haired Seto thing. Despite everything, it seems like Gozaburo had some genuine affection for his biological son. Did Gozaburo make Seto dye his hair so he'd look even more like Noa? All the flashbacks of chibi-Seto we've seen in the dub show him with his normal brown hair, so when did he dye it? Or did the animators just think it would be cute to make Noa look like Series 1 Seto and Liz is just reading way  too much into the unnatural similarities between Seto and Noa? XD End rant.

     The rumour is that Noa got jealous of Seto and hijacked a submarine, intending to hack into Kaiba Corp's weapons something-or-other and blow up stuff. Gozaburo found out and stopped him, sinking the sub in the process.

     Fran says that's not true, and that Noa sorta mentions how much firepower he has at his disposal... enough to wipe out a decent percent of the world's population. Upon hearing this, Gozaburo proceeds to  walk out on his son and never comes back. Soon after, Seto was adopted.
     Years later, Noa finds the Big 5 floating around the virtual world and they cut a deal. Noa'd get them new bodies if they did what he wanted. 

     Noa draws the gang into the virtual world one by one. I've heard something about a "Deck Master" system. 
Tea picks Dark Magician Girl to be her Deck Master for some unknown reason. **shrugs**

     Mokuba, the poor little bugger, is kidnapped again, originally by one of the Big 5, but Noa picks him up and makes him watch the Seto vs. Big 5 duel.
  Mokuba: ''Oh no! Bambi's mother just died!'' Noa: ''Heheheh...''

      Noa then proceeds to try to convince Mokuba that Seto never really cared for him (rumour says "brainwashing"). He creates a double of Seto that slaps Mokuba and tells him he's worthless.  **sighs** 

     Anyway, at the end of this long and convoluted arc there's a happy ending. Noa repents and becomes Mokuba's friend. Mokuba throws flowers in the ocean in memory of his step-brother. ^_^() Yeah. Really weird arc. 

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