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The Betrayal and Redemption of Priest Seto:

     I'm not entirely sure of the circumstances, but it seems like Seto never really betrayed his Pharaoh. He's actually rather vehement about protecting Yami, and can't seem to understand why Akunadin would turn traitor (insert a "Seto, I am your father" scene � la Darth Vader XD). In any case, that doesn't really matter to him. Akunadin is a traitor, and therefore as far as Seto's concerned, he's an enemy...

Stop! Get your own sandwich!      But, of course, nothing ever works out quite so cleanly, does it? ;) Story seems to be that Seto ends up getting possessed by his father (or Zork? Or both?) after "Yami" Akunadin was defeated. Kisara's already given up her life in order to give Seto the power of the Blue Eyes White Dragon. Basically, since Seto saved her in the first place,  as far as she's concerned, Seto's got the right to do with her as he pleases... and more than that, she's got a genuine desire to protect him. 

     Akunadin/Seto and Yami face off... Within Seto's mind, Akunadin stands over his desolate son, still intent on winning the kingdom for him.  As it turns out, Kisara/BEWD was the one who finally helps Seto break his father's control (Seto's all gawky... he's got dragons on the brain ^_^). 

     Long, dramatic story cut really short, Akunadin goes bye-bye, still wishing his son could be king. Pharaoh Yami spouts stuff about all being right in the world and about history happening as it should have. At this point Yami starts to vanish, and asks Seto to do him the favor of becoming the next Pharaoh of Egypt. O_O Looks like Akunadin actually got his wish! 

     ... ... ...But Seto actually refuses, saying that they'd need to duel in a fair battle first before he could truly claim the title of  king (Liz: Hmph, singing a familiar tune, ain't he? ^_^). In the end, Seto doesn't get much of a choice, 'cause Yami vanishes in a wisp of smoke. **snickers** Aw, gypped! No wonder Kaiba's so bent on beating Yami... ~_^

     Insert dramatic scene of unofficial-pharaoh Seto holding Rod and Puzzle, standing on a summit and staring down at his kingdom with his Blue Eyes curled around him. (Liz: **sniffles** I'm so proud! **tears**) Later on it seems that Seto did rule, and that he selected a new set of priests (**squints** Is that Mana?!)

     I dunno about you, but I for one am very glad Seto's a good guy deep down. o^_^o **tackle-glomps Seto** 

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