Yami (Yugi): Owner's Guide and Maintenence Manual © 2003

Compiled by Lizeth Hallington @ ww w.geocities.co m/lizeth_hal (take out the spaces)
Based on series of fics by Theresa Green (id: 416464)


You are now the proud owner of a YAMI! To ensure that your self-assured Game King performs to his full potential, please follow the procedures suggested in this manual.




Name: Unknown. YAMI is preferable, but feel free to nickname him "Honeybunny", "Sweet-thang" or "Camille".
(Note: Injury, physical or spiritual, stemming from usage of said nicknames will not be compensated by the manufacturers. Use at your own risk.)

Orientation: Questionable

Alignment: Dark

Manufacturers: Inverted Pyramids Inc., Valley-of-Kings, Egypt.

Date of Production: Undisclosed

Colouring: Red, Gold, Black and Purple (Silver accessories recommended)

Height: 5'4" (hair included)

Weight: 42 kg

Length: Disproportionate to his height



To ensure ease of installation, it is recommended that you have a YUGI unit at hand. If you don't... GET ONE. Your YAMI will be hard pressed to function without his "aibou".

These household items are also recommended:
- Sunglasses
- National Geographic magazines (at least 5)

When you have successfully obtained your YUGI, follow the following procedure:

1) Open that little package you've received labelled "fragile". Don't worry. There hasn't been a mistake. Your YAMI has merely been compressed to travel-size for your convenience.

2) Inside, there will be a golden pyramid puzzle. Have your Yugi pick it up and put it on, either using a leather band or an industrial-strength steel chain.

3) Note: If you open your package to find puzzle pieces instead of a full pyramid... someone wasn't paying attention to the "fragile" stickers plastered all over your package. Make a mental note to sue the logistics company, then give the pieces over to your YUGI. He will be ecstatic. Pull out those National Geographic magazines and settle down to wait.

4) In the instance of (3), don't fret, your YUGI is an old hand at puzzles and will have the gaudy piece of tat solved in anywhere from 10 minutes to 10 years. In the meantime, you might want to send out a GRAMPA SUGOROKU unit to get him a little golden box (sold at any local Tombs'R'Us) to keep the pieces in.

5) Once your YUGI has successfully donned the completed puzzle, pull out those sunglasses and enjoy the light show. Your YAMI will magically appear right before your eyes.



Your YAMI comes equipped with a number of cool accessories listed below.

1) Three tons of hair gel

2) Leather muscle shirt

3) Leather pants

4) Leather dog collar

5) Leather armbands

6) Gold armbands

7) Gold Puzzle (for shipping purposes)

8) School uniform (blue jacket and pants)

9) A wide variety of add-on silver buckles

10) A custom duel-monster deck (with holster) and

11) A Dark Magician plushie (pretend you haven't seen the plushie or your YAMI might get defensive)

Note: Some owners have also ordered additional accessories for their YAMI (like handcuffs, feathers, whip, whip cream, and lubricant) but that's a matter of customization and will not be included in a standard YAMI package.



Your YAMI can perform a spectrum of every-day tasks, some of which are listed below:


This is pretty much a given. He is the Game King after all. You know that annoying clown at recess who thinks he's God's gift to Duel Monsters? Sic your YAMI on him and you'll never hear from that pretentious bastard again. **satisfied smirk** For better effects, arm him with a KAIBA CORP portable duel disk, but please be aware that that'll only work if his opponent has one as well.


As a yami, your YAMI will come with a built-in sense of protectiveness to any he considers friends. Take your YAMI to school and (if he isn't busy protecting his hikari) he'll protect you from all those nasty schoolyard bullies. Be sure to keep him in check, though, unless you want to try to explain why the local bullies have all ended up in the mental hospital.


That's right. You'd never suspect it at first, but your YAMI is excellent at coaching any sport he puts his mind to (so long as he doesn't have to actually play). If your team is in a rut in the final leg of the game, he'll suddenly insist that "we'll win this together, or together we'll fall!" and your team is practically guaranteed to win (with minor casualties).


Leave your YAMI to mind your family business. He does particularly well in game shops, but he supposedly does just as well in bars and nightclubs.


Even with his fractured memory drive, your YAMI is still a proficient leader. Give him a problem and he'll tackle it with gusto. If someone's been robbing your treasury/increasing your national debt, your YAMI will promptly chase after the culprit (**coughBAKURAcough**) and bring him down (as long as the culprit isn't in cahoots with a ZORK NECROPHADISU unit... In which case, please send out the cabinet / ministers / priests to back your YAMI up and they'll return him to you relatively unharmed).


Have your YAMI beside you during any undertaking and bask in his bloated self-confidence... Most of the time, that confidence is justified.



Your YAMI will be civil with practically everyone, with a few minor exceptions. Please refer to list below to avoid nasty lawsuits, bloodshed, or shadow-banishing incidences.

* YUGI - anything from "friendly" to "protective" to "yaoi". YUGI is your YAMI's "aibou", so don't try to tear them apart or your YAMI will malfunction. Carnage will probably ensue.

* TEA - admiration or annoyance. Keep your TEA in line or you might have to get a restraining order.

* RYOU - distant friendship and occasional cause for concern.

* BAKURA - INCOMPATABLE... usually. Unless they've been locked together in a closet or something, in which case you'll find they're very comfortable around each other.

* JOUNOUCHI - Easy friendship that might lead to... other things... under the right circumstances. Otherwise, your YAMI and JOUNOUCHI will be casual comrades or respected rivals, depending on the situation.

* HONDA - distant friendship

* SETO - ANIMOSITY but there's also a grudging respect. SETO is, after all, closest to YAMI in duelling skills. Keeping your SUGOROKU (and that fourth Blue-Eyes card) away from the SETO unit might help lessen the tension between the two. Otherwise, the presence of a watery-eyed YUGI or MOKUBA should also stunt any outward animosity. Because of their similar skill levels, there is a possibility of a more productive relationship between the two. After a while, you'll notice that the SETO is always willing to come back for more punishment. **waggles her eyebrows**

* PEGASUS - the PEGASUS model will usually try to A) harm YUGI B) take the Puzzle C) prove his superior gaming skills or D) all of the above. Therefore, it would be prudent to keep your PEGASUS on a remote little island somewhere and not let your YUGI open any suspicious looking packages.

* ISHIZU - annoyance at her vagueness. "Yeah thanks, 'save the world'... no pressure..."

* MALIK - INCOMPATABLE unless the said MALIK is not armed with a Rod. x_x

* ISHTAR - VERY INCOMPATABLE. There will be a number of painful duels with various casualties if these two are within 50 miles of each other. Have a RISHID/ODION unit at hand to suppress the appearance of ISHTAR, but once things get set into motion, the best thing you can hope for is damage control

* MAI - Casual friendship, respect and appreciation. They might've gotten off on the wrong foot, but you'll find that your YAMI and your MAI are pretty supportive of each other. If, on the rare occasion your YUGI unit is pissed off at his YAMI, your MAI will put in a good word for YAMI, therefore putting her in YAMI's good books.

* SHADI - Paraphrase: "Get out of my room."

* ZORK NECROPHADISU - VERY VERY INCOMPATABLE. ZORKy is bent on killing your YAMI and will hatch numerous plots to do so. If you find your YAMI has suddenly gone missing after an encounter with a ZORK unit, don't worry, there's still hope. Check down any chasms or cliffs. The ZORK unit might have arranged for a THIEF KING BAKURA unit to drop your YAMI down one.



Q: I've followed the installation manual to a "T", but when my YAMI manifested, he was transparent. What do I do?!

A: Hire your local fanfic author. I'm sure they can fix your little see-through problem with one hand tied behind their back... free of charge, even.


Q: Do I have to get a YUGI unit? Shouldn't we be warned of that fact before purchasing?

A: ...And you're complaining about having to get a YUGI... why?


Q: I checked the coloration of my YAMI, and I'm sure there's been a mistake. My YAMI is Ruby, Gold, Black, White, Tan and more Gold. Is this a fluke?

A: O_O You've accidentally been issued a limited PHARAOH YAMI edition. Damn, woman, that's a collector's item! Your YAMI will be more prone to haughty behaviour, silent brooding and calling for his daddy, but as long as you don't run into a ZORK NECROPHADISU unit, he should function pretty much as any regular YAMI would (just give him a wardrobe change... if you really want to... and watch him duel anything on two legs).


Q: My YAMI's been looking a little lost lately. Is there anything I can do to snap him out of it?

A: You can always set your YAMI up with a TEA unit (in which case you might find your YAMI posing as a decorative statue in your neighbourhood park)... Or if you find that idea totally despicable, just lock him in the broom closet with your YUGI or even a JOUNOUCHI. When you reopen the door in the morning, all will be well (unless, of course, you've accidentally locked them in an air-tight closet, in which case mouth-to-mouth resuscitation might be necessary **smirk**). Arranging a "duel" with a SETO unit should also do the trick.


Q: I want my HONDA and my YAMI to get along "better", but it's just not working. What should I do?

A: You want to pair your YAMI up with a HONDA? Why? HONDA is much more compatible with a RYOU unit... or even a JOUNOUCHI/SHIZUKA (not at the same time). However, if you have your heart set on that pairing, the locked-in-a-closet (or washroom/library/museum) ploy should work fairly well. Just drift in some romantic music from the ventilation system and check on them in the morning. That should set your problem straight (or crooked, as it were **toothy grin**).


Q: Wah! I woke up one morning and my YAMI's hair is all limp! How can I fix this?

A: Looks like your YAMI has finally run out of that three tons of hair gel he arrived with. You can either A) buy him more extra-strength hair gel or B) save some money and stick his hand in an electrical socket (Note: Any power outages that might follow are purely incidental and unrelated... really).


Q: I loaned my YAMI to a friend and when I got him back, he was... scary. His hair's curlier, his eyes wilder and he's got this really creepy smirk. Help?

A: **sighs** Obviously, your friend's a manga fan. Solution: Don't lend out your YAMI. You never know in what condition you'll get him back. You're lucky he didn't come back with fangs and an overbite (not to mention in desperate need of a tan). In that case, you might've had to hire one of those underpaid fic authors again, and this time, they might charge you at a rate of 5 reviews per edit. But anyway, yours is a fairly mild "canon" case, so force-feed your YAMI two teaspoons of condensed anime a day, and he should be back to normal in a week.



Your YAMI is under warrantee so long as your YUGI unit is functioning properly, so take care of your YUGI and your YAMI will be just fine. In the case that your YUGI should expire (Ra forbid), your YAMI will probably either vanish, disintegrate or return into the Puzzle (which will break unexplainably) until a v2.0 YUGI comes along. Otherwise your YAMI should serve you faithfully for years to come as long as you don't try to usurp his place as King or turn any of his friends into game pieces.


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