Antigua is the Colonial Town of Guatemala, the Old Capital.  Drinking a coffee or "Te Rosa de Jamaica" (my favourite) in La Plaza, visiting the markets, looking at the people or just walking in the colourful streets is a pleasure ..
The best place to have a good rest is in Lake Atitlan .. small towns like Panajachel, San Pedro La Laguna or Santiago Atitlan are peaceful and beautiful.
La Torre del Reloj, the colourful houses and the Volcano in the background is a beautiful view, that is impossible to be missed
Typical hat in Santiago Atitlan .... CLICK here to see more photos of The New Mayas
Guatemala is a country of contrast. Everything
is there .. jungle, mountains, archaeological sites, colonial towns, lakes, rivers ... but the most beautiful are
I dedicat a whole page to them. Just
on the hat to see more photos.
One of the most beautiful cities of the
Maya World is
Tikal .. where huge
temples are surrounded by jungle.
To see more photos just
click on the photo.
Tikal ...  CLICK here to see more photos
Incense, food and drink are offered to the ancestors to ensure the continued fertility of their land, at the Church of Santo Tomas ... where the traditional Maya rites are mixed with the Catholic ones. Every Sunday the town of Chichicastenango open the Market, to become the most colourful and interesting place in Earth.
... more information about
and some interesting links ...
This is the Official site of Guatemala Institute of Tourism
Welcome to the heart of The Maya World
The Maya World ... online
Welcome to Guatemala
Guatemala Tourism Information
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