New and Improved Grad Night Report

May 11, 2001

Beginning Bal 7/1/99                                                         2453.37

Income 1999-2000

Foundation donation                           1000.00
Ticket Sales                                       7694.04
Eggrolls                                              1336.00
License Frames                                    220.00
Tax Refund                                            24.75
TOTAL INCOME                          10274.79

Expenses 1999-2000

Beginning Balance for 2000-2001                                     2326.62

Income 2000-2001

Donation                                                 110.00
Eggroll Sales                                         2105.45
Ticket Sales                                          3240.00 *
License Frames                                         48.00
AP Lunch                                              1669.61
TOTAL INCOME                                7173.06

Expenses 2000-2001

Eggrolls                                                 1452.80
Camelot Park deposit                            5000.00
Postal Service                                           52.94
TOTAL EXPENSES                          <6505.74>
Balance as of 5-11-01                                                                     2993.94

* Note: 5/17/01: add $960 in ticket sales = $4200

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