Steven Lee

Welcome to my persona website.

May all be well and happy.

For feedback on this website, please email : [email protected]

Objective of this website

Firstly, to share my personal lesson updates with my wonderful classmates in the Diploma of Buddhism Course 2003/2004 at the Buddhist and Pali College if Singapore. various lecture notes. 

Secondly, to share what I have learned from various Buddhist courses with everyone. 

This will serve as a platform to help spread Buddhism in my small little way.

My Spiritual Development

1973    Joined the 26th Boy's Brigade for school's extra curricular activities. Through the Boy's Brigade, became a staunch Christian in the same year.

1974     Baptised on 2nd June at the Queenstown Lutheran Church by Pastor Noel Anderson. I am extremely religious and love going to church daily. Love reading the bible and attending fellowships.

1975     Gave up the religion because of a major failure/lesson. The lesson taught me that there is no God to depend on when you fail. Learn the hard lesson that "God (if there is one) only helps those who help themselves first". In other words, nothing replaces your own effort, not even if there is a creator God. After that, totally believe in the saying : "what you sow will be what you reap". If you want to succeed in anything you do, you must put in your own effort and not depend on anyone else, not even God can help you when you did not put in enough effort.

1980     First encounter with Zen Buddhism during my first year of study in the Department of   Philosophy at the National University of Singapore. A Caucasian philosophy lecturer name Peter Loy was sharing Zen Buddhism in his private capacity. Did not pursue due to ignorance. Always thought that Buddhism is about praying to an idol, make of stone and thought that Buddhism originated from China. Two big misconceptions due to wrong view.

2002    Was introduce to Buddhism after a major incidence. I was extremely angry at a few people after some business failure. In my normal self, I will hate them forever but was given two books on Buddhism. After reading only one book "The Mind is an Ocean", was surprise how well I manage my anger. Within three days, I was able to forgive and forget. That is truly a miracle for me because I am not a forgiving person (strong dosa) all my life. Was also surprise that Buddhism is actually the cultivation of the mind and not praying to an image or idol. Also discover that Buddhism originated from India and not China. This is the Noble EightFold Path called "right understanding".

2003     In March, went to attend a talk on the topic " Buddhist's view on God" by Venerable (Dr) K. Sri Dhammananda, the chief monk from Malaysia. Was totally amazed by what he said and was told by him of his book, titled "What Buddhist Believe". After reading his book, I totally agree with everything written by him. Became more convinced and begin my journey towards the cultivation of the mind. Attended a meditation course at the Vipassana Meditation Centre and Abhidhamma for Beginner at the Buddhist Library. Decided to investigate further by signing up the Diploma in Buddhism at the Buddhist and Pali College in Mangala Vihara. At the same time also attending a Zen meditation course. 

This is my personal experience and a true account of my spiritual development so far. After reading my personal history and if you are not a Buddhist, please do not feel offended.

Buddhism is not a religion. It is not a belief nor do you need blind faith. You do not have to believe in what I said or what others will tell you. The Buddha said: "One must not accept my teachings from reverence, but first try them as gold is tried by fire." Go investigate for yourself and trust no one. Experience it yourself and find out the truth by yourself, of course with proper guidance.

"Do no evil", that is, be not a curse to oneself and others, was Buddha's first advice. This was followed by His second admonition - "Do good", that is, be a blessing to oneself and others. His final exhortation was -  "Purify one's mind" - which was the most important and the most essential.

For those who have something positive to contribute, please feel free to send me an email or you can post your comments in the Guest Book.

My other website is at : Personal Financial Planning

May all be Well and Happy.



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