Thank you for the bears!
Party/Organizing Tips
� When I plan a party I like for everything to match. Cups, plates, napkins, plasticware, tableclothes, balloons, streamers, wrapping, etc., they all need to match or go with the theme. I even like for the gift to go with the theme. This is entirely up to your taste. There's nothing wrong with plain white plates, they can go with any color or theme.
�� A simple way to save money and still match is to mix and match. For example, take a printed plate and match it to a solid colored cups and napkins, or use printed napkins with solid colored cups and plates.
�� When you decorate, try and use things you already have. For example, if your having a Blue's Clues Party for you child's birthday, use his/her Blue's Clues toys to decorate with. A cute centerpiece would be Blue holding a helium balloon that says Happy Birthday. Slippery soap would be cute on the bathroom sink. Just get everything together in one place. You can decide what to use and were and you will be able to tell what you need to buy.

Get a shoe box and put streamers, balloons, banners, extra party favors, etc. in it. If you put candles in it, place them in a zip-lock bag and keep the box in a cool place. I buy nice banners and use them year after year. My friends even use them. Also, keep all your wrapping paper, ribbons, bows, tags, tissue, tape, scissors, and gift bags together. I keep mine in a shopping bag with handles and hang it on a nail in a closet. My roll wrapping paper is kept in a tall, skinny box. This way it doesn't unroll, bend, or rip. I keep empty boxes in the same closet.

The better organized you are for your party, the better you will feel and you will have more time for other things.
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