About the SSSH


SSSH Charter (in Swedish)
General assembly Kuopio 2000

Hvordan Skandinavisk H�ndkirurgisk Forening ble til 

av Nils Carstam, f�rsta sekreterare i Nordisk Klubb f�r Handkirurgi

Swedish version - for an english version click here

Nordisk Klubb f�r Handkirurgi - senare Skandinavisk Handkirurgisk F�rening - bildades p� inititativ av Erik Moberg, G�teborg i samband med Nordisk Kirurgisk F�renings m�te i K�penhamn 1951.

Erik Moberg hade inh�mtat nya kunskaper och principer f�r behandling av handskador, som framkommit i USA redan i b�rjan av 1920-talet genom Sterling Bunnell i San Fransisco.  Med de erfarenheter man fick under och efter kriget uppr�ttades milit�ra handcentra p� et flertal platser i USA och som samordnades och leddes av Bunnell.  Vid m�tet i K�penhamn h�ll Erik Moberg ett f�redrag om dessa principer.

Klubben hade en informell organisation med Moberg som ledare och med "kontaktn�t" i de nordiska l�nderna.  Klubbens uppgift ans�gs vara att sprida kunskaper om olika behandlingsmetoder, att h�lla f�redrag vid kirurgiska och ortopediska sammankomster.  Med Nils Carstam som sekreterare startades en litteraturcirkel, d�r man l�t relevanta handkirurgiska artiklar fr�n olika tidskrifter cirkulera.  Denna form av information om handkirurgisk litteratur bestod i 10 �r.   Under dessa �r hade ocks� f�reningen separata m�ten i samband med kirurgiska och ortopediska kongresser.

Den svenska f�reningen var den f�rsta som bildades utanf�r USA, vilket ofta framh�lls av Sterling Bunnell.  Ungef�r ett �r senare bildades en motsvarande f�rening i England med Graham Stack og Guy Pulvertaft som ordf�rande.  De b�da f�reningarna hade goda relationer och under 60-talet hade man gemensamma m�ten s�v�l i England som Sverige.


English version

The Scandinavian Society for Surgery of the Hand-         the beginning

by Nils Carstam, the first secretary of the Nordic Hand Surgery Club

The Nordic Hand Surgery Club - later to become the Scandinavian Society for Surgery of the Hand - was founded upon an inititative from professor Erik Moberg, Gothenburg, during the meeting of the Nordic Surgical Federation in Copenhagen in 1951.

Erik Moberg was inspired by new knowledge and principles in the treatment of hand injuries that had started with Sterling Bunnell in San Francisco in the early 1920s.   Based on experience collected during and after WW1 several miltary Hand Centres were built.  The running of these was led and coordinated by Bunnell.  Erik Moberg gave a lecture on these principles at the meeting in Copenhagen.

The Club was informally organized with Moberg as a leader and with a "network" of contacts in the Nordic countries.  The purpose of the club was to spread knowledge about different modes of treatment and to  give lectures at surgical and orhtopedic meetings.  A literature "circle" was started with Nils Carstam as a secretary, circulating hand surgery papers from various scientific journals.  This form of spredaing hand surgery literature existed for 10 years.   During these years the society also held separate meetings in conjunction with surgical and orthopedic conferences.

The swedish society for hand surgery was the first hand surgery society to be founded outside the USA, a fact which was often commented  upon by Sterling Bunnell.   Approximately one year later a similar society was founded in Great Britain with Graham Stack and Guy Pulvertaft as chairmen.  The two societies enjoyed a good relationship and during the 1960s arranged meetings together both in the UK and in Sweden.

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