Scandinavian Society for Surgery of the Hand




NEW! 2nd SSSH course:  Nerve injuries and nerve compression syndromes  in the arm and hand.


Welcome to the Web site of the Scandinavian Society for Surgery of the Hand.   The SSSH is an association dedicated to promoting hand surgery in the nordic countries(Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden)  and to developing contacts internationally.  The society is open to surgeons from the nordic countries with a special interest in surgery of the hand. Surgeons active in any of the nordic countries can apply for membership in the Society.  The SSSH  was founded in 1951.


On these pages we will present the SSSH, hand surgery societies and departments in the nordic countries, including information on how to get in contact.  You will also find information about Scandianvian and International meetings, courses and congresses of interest to hand surgeons.  We have a list of links covering hand surgery and related resources on the Web.


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Updated 03.06.01 by the Secretary of the SSSH.

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