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R2D2 ]

What to do with your DDK
The great thing about the DDK is that you can build a cool R2D2 with it. But look carefully, my R2D2 is unlike many others. It's been greatly modified (enhanced?)

These two are inseparable as you are doubtless aware

r2p54crp320.jpg (17061 bytes) This earlier version had the following features:

Turn-table for head turning
Motor in each external leg
Free wheel in middle leg
Light sensor in head
Touch sensor in front of body
Touch sensor in rear of each external leg
MicroScout retained to give body fullness
MicroScout motor freed for fibre optic drive


r2p56crp320gam.jpg (7549 bytes) The most unique feature of my R2D2 is that a large turn-table is incorporated into the main frame.
This provides a very sturdy base for the rotating head.

Btw, it's quite tricky to get the 2x10 grey plate in between the pair of long beams

My Enhanced R2D2 (final version)

Several of the earlier features were dropped in the final version. I just wanted an R2D2 that, well, looked and behaved like the real thing.

Full details are at R2D2

� C S Soh 2001-2002

email: [email protected]

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