One of the many faces of Hexadecimal

Name: Hexadecimal

Description:Hexadecimal is the sister of Megabyte. She is a chaotic virus with a great deal of power. If she wer to have an inkling of her brother's sanity there is now doubt she would rule over the entire system. She is content with her Lair and her loyal Null subjects, and prefers chaos over order. She claims that all the fighting that she does with her brother is mere sibling rivalry.

Just before the restart of the systerm, Bob defragments her face and leaves her rather sane. She is then registered with the Principal Office and is not destroyed when the system restarts.

Memorable Episodes:"The Medusa Bug"
"Painted Windows"

Memorable Phrases:
"I will tear you apart once I am free of this infernal collar! That thought alone keeps me well dear brother."
"I don't know whether I should talk to you, or kill you!"
"Lair! The Artist's Lair!"
"Oh, much worse than that, Guardian. He's my brother!"
"Chaos will always triumph over order! It is the way of things."

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