The Price of Jade
by Kuseru

The Hook: A priceless jade artifact was stolen from the LA Museum by a member of the Chu Lien Pang Triad.

The Players:
The characters' agency
U Sai Lin (Lin Ming-Shing) of the Eastern Shan State Army (ESSA)
Chu Lien Pang Triad (note: has ties to Yamaguchi-gumi)
Chiu Chao Triad
Yamaguchi-gumi Yakuza syndicate
Hong Kong police
China's Central Control of Information (Communist secret service)
Singapore Police
Indonesian pirates

Line: The character's are sent to recover the artifact before it can be smuggled into Burma (Myanmar).


The Players Involvement: The players will initially be sent to Singapore. The character's contact in Singapore is a double agent for China's Central Control of Information (secret service for Communist China) who would like nothing more than to recover the jade artifact for themselves. Their mission is stop the smuggler from handing the artifact over to his contacts (the agency doesn't know who he intends to meet in Singapore or where-- it should be the players job to find this information out). If the players manage to recover the artifact in Singapore, they will be instructed to hand it over to the double agent, who will then pass it to agents from the CCI for transport to China (they will attempt to fly out). If the characters manage to find out the name of the pirate's vessel, they can attempt to find out where it is heading. (The pirates will be attacked in the South China Sea while enroute to Hong Kong.) If the characters discover that the Yamaguchi-gumi has recovered the artifact from the pirates, they may try to recover it from them in Hong Kong (don't forget the CCI agent attack and Chiu Chao intervention). They may further (if they haven't recovered it yet) try to acquire it at the Kai Tak airport. If the artifact actually makes it to Singapore, the characters only have a few chances to track it down and recover it; in Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Phuket, Rangoon, and Mandalay. If all else fails the characters can attempt to steal it back from the Lin Ming-Shing's compound (and his thousands of militant guards).

How the scenario takes place without the character's involvement:

The thief is waiting for his contacts (the Chu Lien Pang Triad) on a boat just outside Singapore's territorial waters. While waiting to be met by the Triad, he is attacked by Indonesian pirates. The pirates realize how valuable the artifact is and attempt to take it to Hong Kong for sale.

The ruckus caused by the pirates when they attack comes to the attention of the Singapore police, who attempt to arrest the Triad members as their boat returns to Singapore. One member of the Triad escapes by diving overboard and swimming to shore. He then contacts his bosses in Hong Kong who put out a trace on the pirates (the Triad arrived just in time to get a glimpse of the pirate's vessel and find out the name). The boss knows that the Singapore police have arrested some of his men in Singapore and so cannot directly try to recover the artifact, so he calls in a favor from his allies--the Yamaguchi-gumi Yakuza syndicate. The Yakuza manage to attack the pirates and successfully recover the artifact, but are attacked by a team of CCI agents in Hong Kong when they attempt to return it to the boss of the Triad. Timely intervention by the Chiu Chao Triad allows the artifact to be kept out of the hands of the CCI. The Chiu Chao then contacts Lin Ming-Shing and makes a deal to provide him with the artifact for concessions allowing cheaper rates on Opium for their Thailand drug trade.

The artifact is taken to the airport by Chiu Chao members to be flown to Singapore and then they are supposed to smuggle the artifact into Malaysia by train from Singapore to Kuala Lumpur. From there, the artifact will be trucked north to Phuket Thailand, where it will be taken by boat to Rangoon. From Rangoon, the artifact will be shipped to Mandalay and from their to the compound of the Eastern Shan State Army hidden in the mountainous region of the Shan States.

The Chu Lien Pang Triad, attempting to recover face and appease their Yamaguchi-gumi allies (who are not pleased about the attack on their members) attempt to recover the artifact, first at the Kai Tak international airport, and then in Singapore, and finally on the road between Rangoon and Mandalay. Meanwhile the CIA has two agents attempting to recover the artifact themselves (they make their move in Phuket as there is a US Navy warship in port and their presence will be less noticeable). In addition, the CCI learns about the smuggling operation and attempts to hijack the boat between Phuket and Rangoon.

Note: The Hong Kong Police will become involved first when they are notified by the Singapore police about the incident with the Chu Lien Pang Triad and then when the CCI agents attack the Yamaguchi-gumi. They may also become involved with the Chu Lien Pang attempt on the Chiu Chao at the airport.

Designer's notes: Maps come in handy for GM's in this adventure. I would try to get a good map of South East Asia (preferably showing roads, political boundaries, geographical features, and major cities). Also, street maps of Singapore, Hong Kong, and possibly Phuket and Rangoon will come in handy. A couple of airport maps for the airports of Singapore and Hong Kong may also be useful (for those of you who fly, simplistic airport maps are usually in the seat pocket). The deck plans for a variety of small and medium boats might also be useful (especially junks, fishing trawlers, and boats that could be converted into modern pirate vessels).

For particularly nasty GM's, knowledge of the various exchange rates could be used to trip the players up. Major currencies in the area include; the US Dollar, Hong Kong Dollar, Singapore Dollar, Australian Dollar, British Pound, German Deutschmark, Japanese Yen, Korean Won, Chinese Yuan, Philippine Peso, Thai Baht, Indonesian Rupiah, Malaysian Ringgit, Burman Kyat, and Vietnamese Dong. Current exchange rates can be found on the internet in a variety of places.

Weapons available to the various groups:
Triads-typically Chinese or Russian pistols, Sub-machine guns, and the occasional AK-47.
Yakuza-Uzis, MP-5s, .45 automatics, 9mm Glocks.
Police-9mm Berretas and (if expecting trouble) Uzis (Singapore) or MP-5s (Hong Kong).
CIA and CCI agents-just about any handgun or submachine-gun with Sniper rifles available to one member of each team.
Eastern Shan State Army -cheap Chinese copies of Russian weapons, the occasional M-16, M-60, or M-79 (left-overs from the Vietnam war).


Chung Chen
Chung Chen is the Characters' agency contact in Singapore. Due to his ethnic Chinese background however, the CCI has turned him into a double agent working for them. He will always try to portray the loyal agent, only breaking his cover if the characters fail to turn the artifact over to him after successfully recovering it.
Attributes: I.Q.: 11, M.E.: 14, M.A.: 14, P.S.: 18, P.P.: 20, P.E.: 8, P.B.: 17, Spd.: 14.
Alignment: Aberrant
Disposition: Complainer, constantly aggravated by something
Hit Points: 27 S.D.C.:30 Chi: 18
Height: 5'10" Weight: 145 lbs Age: 32
Martial Art Style: Bok Pai Kung Fu, 6th level
Special Abilities: Chi Gung, Debana-O-Kujiki Kata, Open Hand Atemi
Hand to Hand Combat
Attacks per melee: 3

U Sai Lin (Lin Ming-Shing)
Lin Ming-Shing is the leader of the Eastern Shan States Army. His control over the opium trade of the eastern shan region is uncontested by the other shan warlords and the Myanmar(Burma) government. However, he hopes that the acquisition of the jade artifact from the U.S. will allow him to cow the other shan warlords allowing him to exert his influence toward controlling their portion of the opium trade.
Attributes: I.Q.: 14, M.E.: 12, M.A.: 15, P.S.: 17, P.P.: 9, P.E.: 13, P.B.: 13, Spd.: 14.
Alignment: Miscreant
Disposition: Mean, suspicious, and vengeful.
Hit Points: 32, S.D.C.: 25 Chi: 52
Height: 5'4" Weight: 113 lbs Age: 42
Martial Art Style: She Shen Kung Fu, 6th level
Special Abilities: Chi Zoshiki, Chi Awareness, Chi Relaxation, Chi Defense, Negative Chi Control, Negative Chi Attacks, Dark Chi, Karumi Jutsu, Vibrating Palm, Calm Minds.
Hand to Hand Combat
Attacks per melee: 2

Shen Lei
Shen Lei is the Chinese agent in charge of the CCI recovery team. He is also Chung Chen's nominal superior. Shen Lei is a quiet unassuming man who uses his Cyber Disguises to full advantage to appear as any native or non-native Chinese person. He feels that with the abundance of Chinese in the world, a more elaborate disguise is unnecessary. While fairly young for his position, he is known to be a diligent worker who will stop at nothing to achieve his goals.
Attributes: I.Q.: 11, M.E.: 8, M.A.: 20, P.S.: 13, P.P.: 14, P.E.: 12, P.B.: 20, Spd.: 14.
Alignment: Scrupulous
Disposition: Paranoid, trusts no one.
Hit Points: 37 S.D.C.: 30 Chi: 12
Height: 5'8" Weight: 146 lbs Age: 35
Martial Art Style: Wu Shu T'sung Kung Fu, 7th level
Special Abilities: Stone Ox, Inpo, Built-In Radio Implant, Built-In Scrambler, Facial Silicon Layer, Bio-Electric Wrinkle Manipulator.
Hand to Hand Combat
Attacks per melee: 4

Agent Jared Smith
Jared Smith is the CIA agent in charge of returning the artifact to the LA museum. He is a hard man who treats his subordinates with contempt. Despite his faults, he is one of the most ruthless agents in the CIA's Asian theater of operations.
Attributes: I.Q.: 14, M.E.: 13, M.A.: 12, P.S.: 21, P.P.: 8, P.E.: 20, P.B.: 9, Spd.: 15.
Alignment: Unprincipled
Disposition: Snob, arrogant, feels superior to others.
Hit Points: 48 S.D.C.: 10 Chi: 20
Height: 5'11" Weight: 166 lbs Age: 37
Martial Art Style: T'ang-Su Karate, 7th level
Special Abilities: Kanshu, Wrist Hardening, One Life/Shot/Hit/Kill, Tamashiwara, Built-In Radio Implant.
Hand to Hand Combat
Attacks per melee: 5

For various members of the Triads and Yakuza, use (if you have access to Heroes Unlimited) the quick roll stats for Rough Thugs led by Successful Criminals (acting as squad leaders). If you don't have access to Heroes Unlimited, consider the generic thugs as 2nd level Professional Criminals (as Free Agent-Thief) with Hand to Hand Martial Arts (Agent). The leaders will be 6th level Professional Criminals (as Free Agent-Thief) with Hand to Hand Martial Arts (Agent).

For CIA and CCI agents use Heroes Unlimited's Special Training: Secret Agent or Wired Agents from Ninjas and Superspies. CCI agents will be trained in Wu Shu T'sung Kung Fu, while the CIA agents will be trained in Tae Kwon Do. All agents will be equipped with Built-In Radio Implants.

Police use the Rough Thug quick roll led by the equivalent of Successful Criminals from Heroes Unlimited. Lacking Heroes Unlimited, consider the police to be 4th level Free Agent-Thieves, with Hand to Hand Martial Arts (Agent). Also, the Police O.C.C. from the new optional O.C.C.s could be used.

The Indonesian pirates are equivalent to Two-bit Thugs with a Rough Thug lieutenant and a Successful Criminal leader. If you don't have access to Heroes Unlimited, consider the generic pirates as 3rd level Professional Criminals (as Free Agent-Thief) with Hand to Hand Expert or Basic (Agent). The lieutenant will be a 5th level Veteran Grunt with Jujutsu. The leader will be 6th level Professional Free Agent with Pao Pat Mei Kung Fu.

The Eastern Shan State Army's troops and guards are all equivalent to mercenaries (Veteran Grunts of 1D4+3 levels of experience).

NOTES for Mystic China campaigns:

The Jade artifact is in actuality the powerful receptacle of the accumulated chi of an ancient Wu Shih who sculpted the artifact and imbued it with vast amounts of Chi to protect the Emperor of China.

One of the CCI operatives is a Wu Shih who wishes to regain the artifact to use its powers to protect the Premier of China.

Lin Ming-Shing is also a Wu Shih who desires the artifact for the power it will grant him, allowing him to usurp control of the opium trade from several rival warlords.

A Living-Dead Immortal has summoned the services on an Infernal Demon to secure the artifact for her own use.

The CIA has no knowledge of the magic power of the artifact and just wants to prevent China or Lin Ming-Shing from acquiring it.

The Indonesian pirates are actually led by a rogue Demon Overlord who desires the artifact for himself. He will devise a method to dupe his human crew into thinking he has either sold it or had it stolen from him. (Which the Yakuza team manages to do quite nicely, unfortunately for the Demon Overlord (who has plans to recapture the artifact in Hong Kong) they manage to lose it before he gets a chance to recover it.)

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