Street Fighting
By Ron Barry

This is not a type of combat training. It represents a fighting skill that is learned only through experience. Street fighting includes such dirty tricks as eye gouging, groin blows, hair pulling, biting and throwing sand in an opponent's eyes. Because of the lack of formal training involved, this skill only goes up to level 5, with one additional bonus at level 9.

Level 1: +1 additional attack per melee. +3 initiative.
Level 2: +2 to parry and dodge. +3 to roll with punch, fall, or impact.
Level 3: +2 to strike when attempting a dirty trick such as those mentioned above. A successful hit causes the victim to suffer a -8 on his next strike, dodge or parry roll and a -4 on his next following strike, dodge or parry roll. This hit does not increase damage, nor does it cause any specific harm.
Level 4: Fast draw. Allows the character to pull out a small weapon and not spend an attack/action to do so. This can be done at any time during a melee round
Level 5: +1 additional attack per melee
Level 9: +1 additional attack per melee

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