Mudra for the Evocation of Healing Energy- Ushijishi-in
By Kuseru
Note: Must be performed in an area of Positive Chi. This Mudra is ineffective in any area dominated by Negative Chi.
If performed in an area with Positive Chi it will automatically cause Positive Chi to wash through the character's body. Negative Chi will be driven out of the body at the rate of one point per minute. Then, when the character is at Zero Chi, the body's normal Positive Chi will be filled, at the rate of one point per minute.
Once the Chi of the body is brought back to its full level (or if it is already there), the body's natural healing mechanisms will then be stimulated. Hit points are the first to heal, at about one every five minutes. When hit points are returned to normal, the Mudra will then start to repair any missing S.D.C. at a rate of one per minute.
Meditation Time Required: Four Melee Rounds (one minute)
Duration: Half meditation level
Description of Hand Positions: Index fingers and thumbs extended, others interlocked
Chi Required: Four
Range: Self

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