Two Finger Gesture (Negative Chi Mastery)
By Kuseru

This works like a long-distance Choke attack. A blast of negative Chi is directed at the enemy in a single gesture of the fist. The character must have the either the "Choke," "Neck Hold/Choke," "One-Hand Choke," or "Two-Hand Choke" combat attack, and must make his normal, unmodified roll to strike on a Twenty-Sided die in order to succeed with the attack. The target cannot parry, but can try to dodge the attack, if seen. When Two Finger Gesture is used as a telekinetic force to attack and damage, the amount of force available varies according to the number of Chi points expended. Two points per melee round attack gives the character a force equal to 1D6 points of damage directly to hit points. Can be attempted but once per melee round, and takes the place of all physical attacks for that melee. Once Two Finger Gesture is successful, the attacker can continue applying it as long as he likes, doing 1D6 damage per two points of chi direct to hit points, for each of his remaining attacks per melee. In addition, the victim of the choke must Save vs. Pain (14+) at every attack; failure results in unconsciousness. The victim of a choke attack cannot reduce damage by using Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact or Breakfall. The victim can try to break free of the hold. There is one way to get out of the Two Finger Gesture. Someone must knock-out/stun or kill the person doing the Two Finger Gesture. Range is 35 feet (10.7m) maximum. When using this attack, the attacker can do no defensive moves, including Parries, Dodges, or Rolls. In other words, the attacker just stands there and ignores all other attacks. Critical or Knockout/Stun attacks from the rear can also be done to someone using this ability.

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