Mudra of Suppresion of Demons- Saifuku-shoma-in
By Kuseru
Note: This Mudra can only be used in areas of Positive Chi.
Similar to the Mudra for Annihilation of Evil Spirits, this Mudra channels a flow of Positive Chi at a demon. Determine the amount of Chi in the area to determine the amount of damage done to the demon. The demon must make a saving throw vs Horror Factor or be forced to leave the area.
Meditation Time Required: Four Melee rounds (one minute)
Duration: One quarter meditation level
Description of Hand Positions: The left hand is held by the knee turned down, with the palm roughly parallel to the ground. The right hand is held at waist level with the middle, ring and little fingers grasping the thumb while the index finger touches its tip to the knuckle of the thumb.
Chi Required: Sixteen
Range: 40 feet

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