Mudra for Control over Energy Daikongo-in
By Kuseru
While this Mudra is in effect the character can channel his chi into energy which can be released as directed pulses. These pulses are directed with and originate from the hands.
Damage is equivalent to 1D6 per point of chi channeled, so a character who decides to channel 5 points of chi would do 5D6 damage. Roll to strike as normal with no bonuses from Martial Art forms, Martial Art Powers, skills, natural abilities or Hand to Hand.
Meditation Time Required: Four Melee Rounds (one minute)
Duration: One Blast.
Description of Hand Positions: Index fingers and thumbs extended, middle fingers curled over index fingers. Others interlocked
Chi Required: four plus however many chi the character wants to invest in the energy blast.
Range: 600 feet

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