Original Animal Characteristics
Description: Chimaeras are a cartilaginous fish similar to rays and sharks, so similar that they are commonly called ghost sharks. While they do resemble sharks in some ways, they have several differences, primarily in the structure and shape of the jaw. Most Chimaera have smooth skin which lacks scales, two large pectoral fins, a prominent primary dorsal fin and a smaller secondary dorsal fin, along with two anal fins, and a long, finned or whip-like tail. Some have long, trunk-like snouts, others have very short snouts. Coloration ranges from black through silvery-grey to brownish gray or pale brown. Among the more notable species of Chimaera are the Australian Ghost Shark, Dark Ghost Shark, Deep-Water Chimaera, Narrow-nose Chimaera, Pale Ghost Shark, and Spotted Ratfish.
Size Level: 5
Height: 1 foot to 4 feet long (40-150 cm)
Weight: Varies
Build: Long
Mutant Changes & Costs
Total BIO-E: 60
Attribute Bonuses: +4 to M.E., +2 to P.E.
Human Features
Hands: 5 BIO-E for Partial hands at the end of the pectoral fins (applicable even with arms and hands).
10 BIO-E for full hands at the end of the pectoral fins (applicable even with arms and hands).
20 BIO-E for Extra Limbs; a set of fully developed arms and hands.
Biped: None. Anal Fins have developed into two legs. 5 BIO-E for Partial or 10 BIO-E for Full.
Speech: 5 BIO-E for Partial or 10 BIO-E for Full.
Looks: None; Looks similar to a shark, thick body, flat arms and legs, generally dark skin, and a fish-shaped face, with eyes on the side of the elongated head.
5 BIO-E for Partial; Elongated head which may or may not have an elongated snout, eyes on side of head; thick, dark skin; short arms & legs.
10 BIO-E for Full; Slightly piscine features; hairless, dark skin.
Natural Weapons:
5 BIO-E for 1D4 damage Light Denticles
10 BIO-E for Weak Poison Spine: Requires a successful spine attack (1D4 damage) and the poison does 1D4 damage, direct to hit points. A successful save means that no damage occurs from the poison.
Mutant Animal Powers:
Automatically gets Breathing: Gills and Swimming: Basic
5 BIO-E for Hold Breath (in the air)
5 BIO-E for Advanced Hearing
5 BIO-E for Electroreception: Passive
5 BIO-E for Lateral Line
5 BIO-E for Swimming: Master
5 BIO-E for Nightvision
10 BIO-E for Sense Electromagnetic Radiation
10 BIO-E for Light Natural Armor
10 BIO-E for Breathing: Lungs
15 BIO-E for Electroreception: Active
20 BIO-E for Breathing: Dual Breathing
20 BIO-E for Medium Natural Armor
Vestigial Disadvantages:
-5 BIO-E for No Gills
-5 BIO-E for Webbed Hand and Feet
-10 BIO-E for Diet: Carnivore
-10 BIO-E for Nocturnal
-10 BIO-E for Prey Eyes
-20 BIO-E for Dehydration: Extreme
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