
This website is a fitting tribute to my grandmother, Molly Fincher Means, and my wonderful memories of my grandmother.  I was 10 years old when she died but she made a lasting impression on my life.  I think of her often.  Molly's father was Silas Alva Fincher and her grandfather was Rev. Silas Jordan Fincher.

Consider the importance of your family tree and its influence in your life and in the lives of your family members.  Have you ever thought to what extent your talents and abilities are the fruit of generations of ancestors, whose very characteristics, by environments or heredity have given meaning and direction to your life?  It is a fact that these ancestors are all a part of your background and have contributed not only to your physical appearance but to your philosophy of life as well.   The study of the lives of these men and women in your past is the first step toward a better understanding of yourself.  Let's look to the future with eagerness, while keeping a respectful and admiring eye on our fascinating past.

I wish to say to the visitors of this site, that there may be a few errors, but I have tried my best to eliminate as many as possible.  There are errors in all such records since we must depend on tradition, official records, and the memory of the elderly members of the family, and the facts are not always in harmony.  If you do find any errors, please be kind enough to let me know.  Thank you.

[email protected]

Family Ties
~By Virginia Moore~

Family ties are precious things,
Woven through the years,
Of memories of togetherness,
Of laughter, love and tears.

Family ties are cherished things,
Forged in childhood days,
By love of parents, deep and true,
And sweet familiar ways.

Family ties are treasured things,
And far though we may roam,
The tender bonds with those we love,
Still pull our hearts toward home.

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