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K'Tesh's Klingon Recipe Pages

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Record 80
Name: Ross
Website: U.S.S. Prometheus
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 1998-08-14 19:54:46
Comments: I had some spare time so I just though I'd stop in. Well, keep up the good work!

Record 79
Name: Jonathan Thomas
Website: Hoverboard
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 1998-08-14 07:00:09

Record 78
Name: carylmae
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 1998-08-06 14:18:19
Comments: wonderful, wonderful! yummm.

Record 77
Name: Hardlec
Referred by: Net Search
Time: 1998-07-28 20:02:42
Comments: Some of the recipes seem very elaborate. Others seem somewhat pointless. Why should a warrior care about the food of a race that raises cattle, then burns the flesh (disqusted grunt and shudder).

K'Tesh: The location of my establishment is close to the Federation border, this means that I get a lot of Federation business. I do find it repulsive that they often will ruin good food.

Record 76
Name: Lorraine Van Dolah
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 1998-07-11 17:50:10
Comments: COOL STUFF on these pages!! I've only been on the Net for a few weeks, and have been having a blast looking at all the Star Trek information. I especially enjoyed reading the Klingon recipes I'd never thought about doing a Star Trek party, but after reading the recipes I think a party for my Trekker friends would be a hoot!

Thanks for the great idea!

K'Tesh: Send Photo's!!! {=)

Record 75
Name: B J Scheffelmear
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 1998-07-10 15:42:16
Comments: Haven't looked around yet, so I can't say. However I have enjoyed Star Trek for many years. I started watching in the 60's. I am very interested in the recipes.


Record 74
Name: Roy Wiseman
Website: Roy's place
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 1998-07-07 05:58:19
Comments: At last a place to get some Klingon food and drink. What I've looked at so far looks good. I'll bookmark your site, so I can keep coming back.

My page isn't much yet (I'm just learning HTML). I'm also working on my tlhIngan Hol. I have a few friends I'll be telling about your page.


Record 73
Name: Capt. Malynn, Robert E.
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 1998-06-27 00:26:40
Comments: Very Honorable Web Site. Thank You, K'Tesh, I will be sure to bookmark this site and visit frequently. Any interesting info.,ideas or comments I come across, I will trans-mediate to you.

Good Hunting, REM

Record 72
Name: Commander Kal Carthew
Referred by: Net Search
Time: 1998-06-19 00:36:43
Comments: Commander Carthew, USS Enterprise, Excellent to see a Page dedicated to the Klingon Race! Commander, Signing Off

Record 71
Name: Gary
Website: .
Referred by: You asked me to
Time: 1998-06-18 04:26:42
Comments: 2kewl

Record 70
Name: Katha Fortier
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 1998-06-07 19:56:39
Comments: Well I just got here but it sounds like you have exactly what I need. I am invited to my first star trek pot luck party next week and to tell you the truth I never paid much attention to the food.
(especially the stuff that moved)

Record 69
Name: SuSvaj
Website: Lansing Klingon Club Homepage
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 1998-06-04 21:32:36
Comments: Interesting recipes. I invite you to come visit my site.


Record 68
Name: Aimee
Referred by: From LinkExchange
Time: 1998-05-27 10:57:28
Comments: I love your recipe page - it's very informative.

Record 67
Name: Cdr K'bril vesti-Koloth
Referred by: From LinkExchange
Time: 1998-05-17 21:11:00
Comments: Great page...Great food. Can't wait to get cooking!

Record 66
Name: K'tisH & Q'otfu The Sisters of Pain
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 1998-04-30 17:56:27
Comments: Good pages. Qapla'

Record 65
Name: Admiral k'REN' zantai-kastai
Referred by: Word of Mouth
Time: 1998-04-27 19:07:35
Comments: Qapla'!

Record 64
Name: Podd2
Referred by: Net Search
Time: 1998-04-22 09:50:34
Comments: Thank goodness!! Star Trek AND food!! I love it. Thank you, thank you, thank you for your pages.

Record 63
Name: Tenaj Vestai Kreen
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 1998-04-22 09:08:00
Comments: This is the best Klingon web page I've seen on the Web. Great Job!!!!!!!!!!

K'Tesh: I am Honored by Your Words,

I have a simple formula for success, In the words of the Human Ethnologist, Mark Okrand, Klingons believe in four basic principles:

Aggressiveness, and

I try to instill this in all my work.

K'Tesh Son of K'raig {=)

Record 62
Name: LT.(JG) Kal'Ven USS Avatar.....Tango Fleet
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 1998-04-12 10:17:25
Comments: this place is great. One of the people i work with has wanted me to make qagh. however since i had been unable to find a recipe for it. you know i just couldn't make it.

Well here i am looking at you page and there is the recipe. So i just want to say thanks for helping a fellow klingon out.


Record 61
Name: Corliss G. Lewis
Website: hippie and ladybug
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 1998-03-28 21:21:44
Comments: Just put your page in our favorites, loved browsing it.

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