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Algology has now become a very valuable discipline as more and more applications of algae and their modes of life become unearthed. The utility of algae in day to day life, in food production, in the manufacture of industrial chemicals and in pollution control is now recognized universally. Further, algae are used as experimental organisms in the study of such fundamental aspects of biology as photosynthesis, respiration and growth, in bio-assay techniques and in bio-technology. Considering all these, Algology should be given a very high priority in biological research.
India has lagged behind other countries in algal research largely because of the low priority given to their study. Considering the vastness of the country and its population, centres of algal research are comparatively few. True, there are some excellent centres where applied research on algae is being carried out, but these are mostly devoted to studies on blue green algae. But there are numerous eukaryotic algae which are of greater importance and economic significance. Their potential as sources of food, feed, rare chemicals and energy, is yet to be realized. Algal farming, a modern concept, is yet to be taken up on a field scale.
In view of the above, it was thought desirable to establish an Institute for Algal Studies to promote both academic as well as applied research on algae.
Hence the Krishnamurthy Institute of Algology.