How to Obtain a Copy of Historic Hiking Trails

How to Obtain a Copy of Historic Hiking Trails
"Historic Hiking Trails" is available on a CD in Microsoft Word format. It previously was available in WordPerfect 5.1+ format on a 3.5" disk, but it outgrew the size a disk could accommodate, and the format was switched to the present more popular one. If printed on paper, the book is in excess of 600 pages, including hundreds of illustrations in color. The rules of GeoCities prohibit the offer for sale of merchandise here, so if you want more information about obtaining a copy, please e-mail me at [email protected], or send me a request at Steve Rajtar, 1614 Bimini Dr., Orlando, FL 32806. If you'll provide your mailing address, I'll send out a disk to you "on approval" right away. If you decide to keep it, you can send me check ($20 + $1 P&H + $1.30 sales tax for Florida residents). If after a week, you don't want it, you can send it back at no cost other than your postage.

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