Behind The Eyes


I know less about this album then any other album so far. I don't know the track listing, I don't know the release date and I don't even know if it actually exists.
I have few sources for the existence of this album and all they really tell me is that it was released sometime in the 1970's (1976 is the date used most frequently)and that it was released on the "Polydor" label making it probably the earliest non "De-Lite" release for the band (assuming it exists) and I would love to know as much information as I can about this as it may help me find it's correct place in the discography (it is only in this place because for the past two years "Kool & The Gang" have opened the year with a new compilation but as this is a "Polydor" release I have no reason to believe "Kool & The Gang" have much if anything at all to do with it so really it could go anywhere including a completely different year).

Now continue to Love & Understanding.

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